Orlando CCW holder drops a criminal


New member
this guy doesn't seem all there. maybe its just the his accent and being shaken up and nervous. i don't know, he definitely should not be talking to the news media.

in another interview with him, he says he thought the bad guy had a gun. so hopefully thats enough to keep him out of trouble. otherwise i'm not sure he had enough reason to shoot. sounded like the bad guy stopped when he yelled at him and the bad guy had just started to turn to him when he shot. maybe thats not how it happened, but thats how i understood it from his reenactment.

either way, the good guys are still alive and thats how it should be.
i'm not sure he had enough reason to shoot. sounded like the bad guy stopped when he yelled at him and the bad guy had just started to turn to him when he shot.
The person he shot was in the process of attempting to murder the clerk. I think he was completely justified in shooting.


New member
it sounded like he stopped when he yelled though. if i was in that situation, i would wait a second to see what the bad guys next move would be. if he did anything that resembled continuing to murder that girl or attack me, i'd swiss cheese his ass.

if he stopped, i'd wait for the cops to come and deal with him to keep myself out of legal problems.

it just doesn't sound to me like he gave the guy any chance to stop. he said he yelled at him and the guy started to get up (which to me means he stopped trying to murder the girl), then he shot him.


New member
although, one thing i just thought of. his actions probably got the girl medical attention a lot faster then if the bad guy had stopped and they had to deal with him still alive in there before they could get to the girl.