Orlando CCW holder drops a criminal


New member
The article with video

OCOEE, Fla. -- A man shot and killed a suspected robber during an attack on a clerk at a convenience store late Monday night. The man said he saw the armed robber beating the clerk with what he believed was a gun and when the robber turned toward him he opened fire.

Orange County deputies and Ocoee police surrounded the Kangaroo Express convenience store on Franklin Street in Ocoee with crime tape. Officers said they found the suspected armed robber lying on the floor dead inside the store.


That news video made me sick.

Sensationalist tripe searching for drama.

The shooter shouldn't have "recreated" the situation for the news folks in his front driveway, IMO. The guy was stressed and in some state of shock or anxiety, and he was handling his firearm in the front yard for demonstration/recreation purposes.

Bad Juju, IMO.

I particularly disliked the desire by our little Trisha Takanawa to go interview the family of the deceased robber for "their take on the stand your ground law."


New member
Follow up:

I went to the county clerk's website. A person with the same name and age as the dead critter in this case had a pretty extensive record. Here is his Orange county arrest record:

8/08 Domestic battery- case open
8/07 Driving while license suspended- habitual offender Convicted and fined
8/06 Burglary of an occupied dwelling, theft, dealing in stolen property. Charges dropped by prosecutor (reading the case notes, it looks like a plea deal)
7/95 Felony Theft- Convicted and served 364 days in jail
3/95 Aggravated Battery- Convicted and sentenced to 91 days in jail

there were a host of other cases, I didn't go through them all. Here we have a convicted, violent felon. This is only one county. I did not look in other counties, or look into more than a few cases. Good riddance


Score one for the good guys! Recreating the incident for the news is probably NOT one of the shooter's best ideas. As for what the family of the robber thinks...I hope they think they wish the guy hadn't done the wrong thing. There are always consequences to a person's actions.


New member
I am sure that the usual suspects will find some fault with the person defending himself and another in distress. :rolleyes:


New member
They already are. A local radio station 540am WFLA is doing a segment on it. Callers and the host are almost entirely in favor of the shooter. One caller has called to say that the shooter should have gone hand to hand with the person, because it wasn't fair to shoot a man who did not have a gun.

AZ Med18

New member
I dont understand why people cant get it around there head that to stop someone committing a crime you cannot stand equal ground with them. IIRC from talking to a police officer they are allowed to go one step above what the aggressor has.

Why cant the joe schmoe do that to?

Good job stopping the crime but I would never reenact the shooting....
You have to love a culture that constantly tries to present sadistic criminals as victims and people who take a stand as villains. Why should we even care what the family of a thug who was viscously attacking an innocent person thinks about the fact that someone removed him from the playing field.

I love how some people will try to say that this animal did not deserve to be shot since he was not armed. Blunt force trauma to the head is one of the leading forms of death and murder of people in this country. Beating someone in the head with a blunt object is not only viscous, but very deadly.

I agree that the guy should not have spoken to the media, but I also think that it was good in some ways that he did. It really put a human face on the story. After watching that no reasonable person can walk away thinking the shooter was some mysterious, ill intending vigilante looking for trouble. He is clearly an everyday guy that was just doing what he thought best to help a person in dire need and is very shaken by the whole event.

I wonder how the producers of this news station feel about guns. I wonder if all of Florida is like this. Here in WV you'd just get a thanks and a pat on the back. I like how the news station is taking it upon themselves to point out this hero's criminal background and try to get him in trouble for possibly saving lives by taking the life of a scumbag. I am really shocked that the police (DA) are actually not sure if they are going to charge this hero. The guy did great, it seems like he was inside the law during the shoot, hopefully his background does nto get him into trouble for such a couragous act! And about that moron at the end of the video, "Its shocking that anyone can walk in and boom, boom your gone!" Yeah moron, if you're beating a person and armed and committing a felony, then yor run the risk of "boom, boom, your gone."


New member
AFAIK, the threshhold issue re the criminal background & trouble with carrying is state law. if they OK'd him to get the CCW license and his prior record was known, that's the end of the story.

if the criminal background was somehow hidden such that he got his CCW erroneously, then, there's a problem. :)


Staff In Memoriam
Divemedic, what has real radio 104.1 had to say? They got it as a topic?
Ocoee is an odd place... rednecks abound but it is 12 minutes from crime... errrr pine hills.


I particularly disliked the desire by our little Trisha Takanawa to go interview the family of the deceased robber for "their take on the stand your ground law."

LMAO...Trisha Takinawa...gotta love Family Guy. And by all means, lets all bow our heads in a moment of silence for the dead scumbag...well, I'm done .:barf:


New member
The way I read the article, he didn't have a CCL; he was carrying in his vehicle, legally in Florida, and didn't need it. He saw what was happening and retrieved both his weapon and his cell phone from his vehicle.

He had a couple of misdemeanor charges, again if the article is correct; the other man involved was a career criminal, a repeat felon.

I certainly hope the young man doesn't face any charges, nor any other difficulties as a result of his actions. I have no idea if Florida considers a beer bottle a deadly weapon, but I think he could very well have saved the female clerk's life, and I'm very glad he stepped up to help her.


New member
Didn't hear 104.1. The shooter claimed to have a CCW. It turns out he did not. When questioned on this by the local press, he insisted that his pistol was registered, and that he had a permit. He produced a piece of paper as proof. What he produced was a bill of sale from Shoot Straight in Apopka.

He needs to shut up and get a lawyer. Even though this appears to be a good shoot, he is making himself look stupid, and has nothing to gain by continuing to spout off on TV.

Don P

New member
+1 +1 +1 +1 On the shut your mouth to the press:eek:. He gets a bunch of -1 -1 -1 for running his mouth:confused:. He DID NOT have a CCW permit. If you listen to him talk he sounds like a 8th grader at best:rolleyes:. Suprised he could fill out the paperwork to make the purchase:rolleyes: From all we have read from the seasoned experts on this forum and from what Massad has posted as to what to say after the fact he violated all 5 of the recommended responce's when LE shows up. Lets just wait and see what comes of this as far as possible charges for the shooting.:cool:


I'm glad the guy was shot... total piece of trash, but this guy looks like an idiot because he IS an idiot....

My god... talking to the media without any legal aid on camera... live.... at his house....

Don P

New member
As of this mornings news, things are still up in the air about him being charged. Case is still open and very much active. They are looking for victims 2 partners and wanting to charge them with murder. This is no way close to being over yet and the genius is still talking it up with the media. Must have thought they said trains and not brains


My attorney has recommended one thing that I person should do if involved in shooting---KYFMS until your attorney is present.

vox rationis

New member
You have to love a culture that constantly tries to present sadistic criminals as victims and people who take a stand as villains. Why should we even care what the family of a thug who was viscously attacking an innocent person thinks about the fact that someone removed him from the playing field.

I love how some people will try to say that this animal did not deserve to be shot since he was not armed. Blunt force trauma to the head is one of the leading forms of death and murder of people in this country. Beating someone in the head with a blunt object is not only viscous, but very deadly.

I agree that the guy should not have spoken to the media, but I also think that it was good in some ways that he did. It really put a human face on the story. After watching that no reasonable person can walk away thinking the shooter was some mysterious, ill intending vigilante looking for trouble. He is clearly an everyday guy that was just doing what he thought best to help a person in dire need and is very shaken by the whole event.

Eloquently put...and yeah since when does getting bludgeoned with a big heavy bottle on the head not constitute deadly force..that poor woman was one blow away from a potentially maiming or deadly skull fracture or a brain hematoma..

But unbelievable that that woman's defender had the gullibility to let himself exploited by the predatory media in that way..I really feel for the guy..he was just trying to tell his side of the story. I am really concerned about his safety actually.

And how about the abominable quality of that surveillance tape? How can the police identify any criminal whatsoever based on that piece of garbage of a tape?