Opinions on Taurus PT22


New member
Well, we did a little shooting today, and she decided that the kick on my g19 was "okay". But she wanted something with a safety, and something with a smaller grip.
So, this afternoon i wound up getting her a copy of Pax's book, and a SR9. I've heard good things (about both), and with low recoil ammo it should be manageable. I'm aware that it would have been ideal for her to choose it out herself, but she wanted it to be a surprise, and we can always get her something else later if it's not a good fit.
Anyway, even though i wound up going in a very different direction, thanks for all the help.


New member
Good choice dayman. Did you get the compact? And does she have any trouble racking the slide on semi autos or will it just stay cocked with safety on?


New member
It is the compact, and she hasn't had any difficulty racking slides before, so I assume she'll do find with this one. The recoil issue has more to do with nerves than strength.

As far as how she'll carry it, I don't really know. She hasn't carried before, so it'll all depend on what she's comfortable with.

It's still supposed to be sort of a surprise, so she hasn't actually seen it yet, so hopefully she winds up liking it. It certainly seems to fit the list of things she said she wants.
But even if she doesn't wind up liking it, getting some experience in, and finding out what specifically she doesn't like might give her the confidence/desire to find something else that's a better fit.

Out of curiosity - and I know this is kind of jacking my own thread - anyone know if they make a houge grip sleeve that fits the SR9c?
I want it to be as ridiculously soft shooting as possible for Christmas.

lee n. field

New member
Opinions on Taurus PT22

My brother has one. Mid '90s vintage. His is pretty well made.

Functioning is kind of iffy, but I think that is a magazine issue (his has a split seam), and he has never bought any more magazines than the one that came with it.

The price is right (low). I'd get one to tinker with, if I had the spare cash.

She's not a gun person at all, but after a couple dog attacks that got some press, and a couple stabbings in the "city" where we do our shopping, she has started to show some interest, and agreed to take the CCW course, and start carrying if I could find her something small and attractive that doesn't kick.

A pocket .22 might not be the best solution to your needs.


New member
I bought mine while looking for a beretta bobcat. The PT22 "looked" good, and the price was right, so I ignored all the Taurus bashing I had read, and bought it.
At the range...
Failure to feed, with several different types of ammo, all top shelf.
When it fed, numerous failures to fire, with all brands of ammo
When it fired, obvious keyholing at close range with all brands of ammo.

Taurus paid to ship it back to them.
They managed fix the feed issue, and replaced the hammer spring so it would now fire...but they ignored the part about keyholing.

While the Taurus was gone, I found a good deal on a Beretta Bobcat, which worked perfectly out of the box, was accurate, and did not keyhole...I happen to like my bullets to hit point on, not sideways.

Sold the Taurus with full disclosure, and will probably never own another.


New member
My wife and I each have a PT22( bought them for each other) and so far haven't had any issues. Don't shoot them a lot but they work fine with good ammo. The guns are definitely made for "up close and personal work" but are reasonably accurate at 7 yds. I have several Taurus revolvers and these two semi's and never had any problems with any of them.


New member
I have a Taurus PT22 Poly that has functioned perfectly, and is surprisingly accurate for a tiny, DAO handgun. Personally, the smallest thing I carry is a 380 LCP, but I do enjoying shooting the little PT22. With the size, and DAO trigger It makes great practice at a lower cost than my Elsie Pea.


New member
JERRYS said:

that pathfinder looks like it holds more than the usual 6 rounds. is that right?

Sorry for the late reply. Yes, the new Pathfinders are 8 shot. If you look at GunBroker, there are many 2" Pathfinders that are 8 shot. It looks like the 2" was the first to get converted to the higher capacity. There was one 4" Pathfinder 8 shot. I asked about the 8 shot Pathfinders in this thread and also in this one. It seems that Charter is going 8 shot with ALL Pathfinders. I really like my Pathfinder, but did have to send it in and have the sights adjusted(fixed sights). It shot no where close to POA, but Charter picked up shipping both ways, no repair costs, and did some extra work on it. Its my first Charter, and I wouldnt hesitate to buy another one.