Open-ended question...


New member
Spend $30 or is it $35 now and join the NRA.You get a magazine, a card and to help ensure gun rights for yourself and your kids.

Stephen426 had some good advice for the rest of it:

1. I would get some good resume paper and polish up your resume.
2. Some computer time at Kinkos if you don't have your own.
3. A decent suit from a second hand store such as Goodwill.get

Or get gas and borrow dad's lawnmower. Dumbest thing I ever did was get my first job. I made more money mowing lawns when I was a kid than I made on my first job. In 1987, I went from $20 an hour for three hours on the weekend to $3.40/hr. thirty hours a week. :rolleyes: I should've just picked up a few more lawns.

There's lots of construction work around here. There's still people putting on roofs from last year.


New member
Lol, thanks for the advice Stephen, but I'll pass. Food, shelter, etc are parent-provided. :D

I'm focusing my efforts on finishing my Highschool Sentence (err... Education***) before getting a job with Uncle Sam as a sailor.

Definately gonna use that some of that enlistment bonus for a gift though. :D

So what's the deal with them NEF guns? I've heard about 'em, but I thought rifles were $200+ for them?
