Open-ended question...


New member

I need a better IWB holster for my Bersa .380, or a good pocket holster for the same.

I also need a Surefire light.


New member
hmm. If you need a gun that cheap, it could probably still be done...

maybe a single shot 12 or 20 gauge? Used hi point? Raven mp .25? Various derringers...

Prolly not something you'll be running billions of rounds through, but with that budget, not really something to worry about. You could probably get something that would work fine for a little practice, then stuffed away unless needed.

Kinda good to know even with 80 bucks you could arm yourself with something better than a louieville slugger :)


New member
Defjon: Hey, be nice, my Slugger is one of my favorite weapons!

Alot of 12g Hornady TAP-FPD buckshot and Remington Sluggers.


New member
+1 to defjon. You could pick up a used HR/NEF single-shot shotgun or rifle and get plenty of fun and some practical small game hunting for your $80. I know there are lots of folks around who have some kind of serious dislike for single shots, but having grown up on hunting arms there's just something comfortable and familiar about a wood stock and simple action...:)


New member

At the last Wichita gunshow $80 would have gotten you one of the following:
1903 Turk Mauser
1938 Turk Mauser
1891 Gew 88 Commission rifle
M91/30 Mosin Nagant
M44 Mosin Nagant
M38 Mosin Nagant
2 cases (880 rounds) of 7.62x54
1000 rounds of 8mm
Finnish Suomi torch cut machine gun with drum magazine

All sorts of fun for $80.


I'd get myself an NRA logo Zippo lighter from their catalog, and either the metal NRA sign or the full-size NRA flag to hang up in my room.



LOL Wolfe im in the same spot but with $150. I can find a job but im just to picky a.k.a wont work fast food and never again grocery. Id say ammo!
for $80

I would get (4) 10-round magazines for my XD-9 subbie. I really need more magazines! Reloading 2 all the time at the range is a pain-in-the-arse!


New member
I know... not firearms related but...

For $80
1. I would get some good resume paper and polish up your resume.
2. Some computer time at Kinkos if you don't have your own.
3. A decent suit from a second hand store such as Goodwill.

If you already have all of the above and some decent savings, i would still be hesitant to blow money on hobbies. You never know when your rainy day is coming and when you will get a job. Who knows, that $80 may serve you better in the form of food! Don't forget that it is harder to file fore bankruptcy now that the new law has passed. Sorry to lecture but sometimes people need a good dose of reality.

The only exception I would make regarding using $80 for firearms related products is if you:
1. Use it for hunting to save on grocery bills. (Fishing gear with artificial lures will get you a lot further if you live near the water!)
2. Use it to rob a bank or other business establishment. I hope you don't go this way though!

Good luck and I hope you find a job soon. Try to be practical even though I know it is hard to do so. Buy yourself a gift after you land that good paying job!