Only California could make the link...

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New member
Im so mad at these pro life dillweeds. They’re just like the anti gun dillweeds forcing bad laws on to the republic knowing they’re bull to start with . They all want what they want and they want it now , damn the constitution or anyone that gets in there way :-(

Perhaps it is time to gore their ox with the same tactics. Taking the 'high road' has just resulted in open defiance of federal law (sanctuary state) and constant attempts to circumvent the 2nd amendment through creative use of laws.

Maybe, just maybe, they will get the message that this tactic can be used on their constitutional rights as well and they put an end to it. I'm not holding my breath though.

Metal god

New member
Perhaps it is time to gore their ox with the same tactics. Taking the 'high road' has just resulted in open defiance of federal law (sanctuary state) and constant attempts to circumvent the 2nd amendment through creative use of laws.

Maybe, just maybe, they will get the message that this tactic can be used on their constitutional rights as well and they put an end to it. I'm not holding my breath though.

Although not the same types of rights being argued both generally are a left right issue/conflict . That said this CA proposal is in fact exactly what you are saying . The "left" in CA are using the same law/strategy towards guns that the "right" is using in Texas on abortion . I know this is way above my paygrade but how does one even know you broke a law to sue in either situation/state .

The one aspect that concerns me at least as far as CA goes is that CA keeps changing the definition of assault weapon and other categories of weapons . If these types of laws are allowed to stand Ca can redefine any weapon they want to fit the allowable definitions they need for the law .

Now I don't follow the abortion debate much so I don't know all the nuances to it . However as the way the anti's keep redefining assault weapon and other gun control measures to make them legal in there eyes . The equivalent the pro life would start doing is saying birth control is the same as abortion . As far fetched as that sounds lets not forget the anti's define an assault weapon almost entirely on it's looks rather then it's function .

Anyways this type of law is so wrong in how open ended it can be and can be used for any radical agenda . What's next , illegal immigration . I'm not smart enough to say what's best to stop it but believe I'm smart enough to see the chilling danger it poses for everyone in America .


New member
Im so mad at these pro life dillweeds.

I'm not feeling the jovial intent...

There is no CA law, just the idle ranting of their pretty boy governor to rally his troops and get the 2A crowd's panties in a bunch at the cost of -- NOTHING --. Let's have this discussion again when there's an actual bill or law to rail against.


New member
Although not the same types of rights being argued both generally are a left right issue/conflict . That said this CA proposal is in fact exactly what you are saying . The "left" in CA are using the same law/strategy towards guns that the "right" is using in Texas on abortion . I know this is way above my paygrade but how does one even know you broke a law to sue in either situation/state .

The one aspect that concerns me at least as far as CA goes is that CA keeps changing the definition of assault weapon and other categories of weapons . If these types of laws are allowed to stand Ca can redefine any weapon they want to fit the allowable definitions they need for the law .

Now I don't follow the abortion debate much so I don't know all the nuances to it . However as the way the anti's keep redefining assault weapon and other gun control measures to make them legal in there eyes . The equivalent the pro life would start doing is saying birth control is the same as abortion . As far fetched as that sounds lets not forget the anti's define an assault weapon almost entirely on it's looks rather then it's function .

Anyways this type of law is so wrong in how open ended it can be and can be used for any radical agenda . What's next , illegal immigration . I'm not smart enough to say what's best to stop it but believe I'm smart enough to see the chilling danger it poses for everyone in America .
i concur. It's amazing to me that people cannot see the potential ramifications to our constitutional rights from the Texas law

Spats McGee

....Let's have this discussion again when there's an actual bill or law to rail against.
I think this is a great idea. If and when, at a minimum, a bill has been sent to the legislature, we can have this discussion. At that point, we'll have something other than idle speculation as to what the law might say.

Accordingly, closed.

44 AMP

As far fetched as that sounds lets not forget the anti's define an assault weapon almost entirely on it's looks rather then it's function .

They did. Now they've gotten "smarter" or at least some of them have.

The most recent gun control law passed in Washington state redefined all semi auto rifles in the state as "semi-automatic assault rifles".




They did this by using the base definition of every semi auto (using the energy of a fired round to operate the action) without any OTHER qualifiers.
No distinction between rimfire and centerfire
No distinction between fixed or detachable magazines
No reference to pistol grips, handguards, bayonet lugs, flash suppressors, or anything else, cosmetic or otherwise.

That law also contains a huge host of other things, many of which are being challenged in court (before the Covid shutdown) and every Sherrif in the state, (except Seattle) has publically stated they will not enforce it...

Anyway, point here is that when forced to, they DO learn, how to work around reality, and will rewrite their laws to get what they want.

At this point, Newsome's proposal is a lot of wind and noise, signifying nothing, which makes it perfect internet "news". :rolleyes:

When there is actually a written bill in the Legislature, then, there is something real to discuss.

The proposal has terrible possibilities, but at the moment is still just so much hot air.
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