Online Gun Auction Sites - Which Do You Prefer?

Which gun auction site do you recommend over the others?


    Votes: 10 20.8%

    Votes: 33 68.8%

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.1%

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Place your vote for the site you prefer. Also, Elaborate on reasoning, good or bad experiences if you like.


New member
If i'm selling, Broker is my #1 choice, but buying, all are OK as well as about 5 or 6 others which mostly are the major gun auction sites that have added internet bidding on their auctions. FWIW


Auction Arms.

Gun broker has NO protection for buyers and as a consequence is the home of the unscrupulous seller. We refuse to be a part of that type of scene, so we sell exclusively on Auction Arms.

WildfairisfairAlaska TM

PS For you gun buyers, Gun Broker and Guns America are caveat emptor


New member
The only "bad" experiences I've had were on GB, but I chalk that up to luck of the draw. I prefer GA because it isn't set up as a auction. Just give me a price PLEASE! No hidden reserve crap, thank you. I've only used AA for accessories and all went well.

Other...Some of my nicest buys have been from fellow board members. I've picked up a very nice Beretta 85, Walther PPK/S and a Kahr P45 this way...all with no hitch at all.


New member
I just bought and recieved a norinco sks on gunbroker and the transaction went very smoothly,no problems at


New member
Gun broker has NO protection for buyers and as a consequence is the home of the unscrupulous seller. We refuse to be a part of that type of scene, so we sell exclusively on Auction Arms.

Tell me about it.....I prefered Gunbroker, but mainly use Auction Arms now.

I was banned from Gunbroker after an unfortunate transaction with a liar...*cough*...uhh I mean seller from overseas. I won two of his auctions at the same time. Long story short, I couldnt complete the transaction with him due to the fact that none of his email addresses or phone numbers worked. I could get his emails but mine always came back "undeliverable". Then he tried to increase shipping and handling charges. Then wanted me to send cash plus another 30% of the total price to cover his bank fees. I finally gave up, blew him off, so he filed two complaints against me which banned me. Prior to that I never had a problem with a seller and had 17 positive ratings.

ALL of my complaints to Gunbroker went unanswered.....

Auction Arms is good and have used it several times with no problems, but they dont seem to have as much of what im looking for than Gunbroker did.


New member
I've bought thru Auctionarms and Gunbroker multiple times with no problems. AA has a smaller selection but more normal pricing. Some folks on Gunbroker are loony tunes and try to sell way over retail which is really silly as Buds sells there as well...


Keep in mind that on AA, buyers have a no questions asked three day inspection/return policy that is strictly enforced.

Thus, sellers who tend to cheat, misdescribe, leave stuff out, used canned photos and otherwise try to rip folks off are more prevalent on GB where such policy is non existent.

WildilikebeinginhonestcompanyAlaska ™.


I am going to win a nice Ruger 22 on AA today!!!!!!

I hope it turns out to be a honest seller



New member
I have bought on all 3 and have sold on gunbroker and auctionarms.

I feel that as a seller I got better traffic on gunbroker and sold the guns for higher than on Auction Arms.

Recently had a problem with a seller on Auction Arms who provided bad contact info, but other than that I have not had any problems with either site.

Even bought a few guns off Ken/Wildalaska from his auction arms (beretta 92fs and ruger 77 mkII) auctions.


New member
I use both AA and GB. Like them both but prefer auction arms for all the above listed reasons, plus:

When I'm searching on Auction Arms, let's say in the revolvers category, I don't have to sift through auctions for cap pistols, key chains, manuals and empty boxes.....


New member

I like going to the proxybid sites and bidding on live auctions. I've picked up some sweet deals this way. You are actually bidding live against other online bidders and people who are attending the auction in person.

Examples of firearms won:

1916 German luger $550
Winchester model 90 pump .22 $275
S&W 342 airlight $300
Winchester model 63 pump .22 $300
CZ 75B $275


New member
When I'm searching on Auction Arms, let's say in the revolvers category, I don't have to sift through auctions for cap pistols, key chains, manuals and empty boxes.....

And the endless list of nylon holsters...


New member
Even though GB is ahead in the poll, I suspect AA will be getting more traffic from myself and others due to the comments posted here.

I agree that many of the prices on GB are crazy. Plenty of auctions there never get a bid because of that.

I'm never in a hurry to get anything so I think I'll be patient an watch AA more closely.


New member
Yes I agree that gunbroker is full of the nylon holster, hat pins etc.... But some times this helps to hide a good deal or two.

Recently , had been searching for a 98k mauser or equivalent (for a light mt rifle project). And the normal search result of mauser came back with 10+ pages of junk, but I quickly go to the non highlighted sales and presto there was a VZ-24 romanian contract rifle with no bids and only 30 minutes left and I walked away from the autcion the only bidder and won it for 135 bucks and the tiger stripe walnut stock I sold on ebay for 200 so i am already ahead.

The gripe on gunbroker is that their search engine is either too specific or not specific at all with the search criteria.

auction arms has a good inline search engine that gets me what i want, but their "map" for the listings is not clickable. Example is say I am looking at an ad for a bolt action rifle that I found doing a search from the site, but the top of the page shows the listing location as rifle/bolt action but I can not click on it to take me either to the rifle section or the bolt action section. Gunbroker has this feature and i use it. I have made comments to AA about this and even gone so far as to provide them sample code to "learn from" (I design and code websites for fun and have done some as a side job from time to time), but AA just thanks me for my input and never does anything about it.

The one thing I hate in general is Reserve auctions. Either list it at your asking price or put it at the 1 penny starting. I avoid reserve auctions unless it is something I really want, but then I only bid up to what I am willing to pay and just leave the auction if the bid isn't above the reserve (waste of my time). Also, I have seen almost identical guns (1 reserve 1 not) go for different amounts of money (the non reserve gun was almost 100 more and the reserve gun didn't sell) on both AA and GB and I am guessing that many other auction goers are of the same attitude towards reserve auctions as I am.



New member
UniversalFrost said:
The one thing I hate in general is Reserve auctions. Either list it at your asking price or put it at the 1 penny starting. I avoid reserve auctions unless it is something I really want, but then I only bid up to what I am willing to pay and just leave the auction if the bid isn't above the reserve (waste of my time).
I'll go on those if it's something I want and bid the minimum price I am willing to pay for it (usually equal to the cheapest price I have seen it for online). Not once have I ever made the reserve price, and it serves as an indicator to other buyers where the seller's reserve stands. And hey, if I ever meet the reserve, bonus for me! :D


New member
AuctionArms has a rather limited number of listings for what I troll around looking for.

GunBroker has many more, almost too many cheap holsters and grip sellers.

GunsAmerica, the search function is fair, providing the software doesn't disconnect you entirely from the Internet. The last update was an exercise in frustration.

I find better deals (in most cases) in the classified ads in the various gun forums.


New member
I find better deals (in most cases) in the classified ads in the various gun forums.

yes or the local classifieds as well. (got a stainless browning A-Bolt in 06' with VX-III leupy for 500 from my local paper right after elk season, can't beat that!).