One handgun only...what would it be?


New member
A 4" GP100 in 357 magnum. I have the 6" version, but for all around I'd go with a 4". My Glock 19 would be a close second, but a 9mm isn't any good against some of the four legged creatures.

Roland Thunder

New member
It would probably be the M&P 9c or the Walther PPQ. I don't have an M&P 9c but I do have an M&P 45c, which I really like and if I could only have one caliber it would the 9mm. So, I'm pretty sure if I like the M&P45c, I would probably like the 9c also.


New member
I like the versatility of the Glock 26 myself, but I haven't got my mitts on a PPQ - the barrels of compliments make me intrigued.

Verbal Clint

New member
I'd have to go with a Nighthawk Custom GRP in .45 ACP. I've never shot one, but I held one today. It was amazing. I needed a cigarette afterward.

However, an HK Mk23 with a threaded barrel would do just fine as well at $1k less. And for a cool grand, I'd be inclined to go with a threaded and railed Sig 1911.

But if I just had a few hundred bucks and high-capacity mags were a must, I'd settle for a Glock. I know a lot of people love them and say they're very reliable, but I just don't like them.
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If you were to own only one gun for all of your handgun would have to work

To be honest. I don't think I can name an actual model. (so many good ones) I probably would have to go thru a real time experience to make a spur of the moment choice. SSMcG


New member
One of these...



New member
I hate that you said "one handgun" because that means I can't have one .22LR, one .4" 357 Mag revolver and one Commander-sized 1911.

I guess it would depend on where I lived. If I needed my "one and only" to double as a good hunting pistol, or as an anti-bear gun, I would lean toward a .357/.41 Mag/.45 LC revolver.

Living in TX as I do, I guess I could make do with a 4" 1911 (and a .22LR conversion kit). But I sure would miss my other 4" S&Ws, and my Ruger MkII.


New member
Since this is posted in the semi-auto forum, I assume you're most interested in that platform. Thus, if I were to choose a semi-auto as my one and only handgun, I'd go with my S&W 1076 10mm Auto.


However, if I could choose any type of handgun, it would be my S&W Model 66-2 .357 Magnum.



New member
Although its large, probably a G20. The 10mm will do everything a 357 mag will do and more. Its a 40 S&W with just a barrel change and I can get an Action Arms 22 conversion. In short a real versatile and powerful weapon.

Its only the size that makes me think of other possibilities.


New member
P226 in .40 or 9mm. Easy to maintain and reliable with good ammo availability. If it's the "End of the world" I'm not to worried about concealing.


New member
Assuming I can have as many rifles and shotguns as I want, I'm fine with a small concealable 9mm. I'll take my Ruger SR9c in that case.


New member
I don't own a revolver any more but if I did it would be a good .357 with 4 inch barrel.

But to answer the question (with what I have) it would be a good 1911.
