Olympic Shooting Sports


"The way I come into a target is I start above the target and come down from 12 o'clock and get into the bull's-eye," he said. "And as I get down into the bull's-eye is when I start to get on the trigger."

On Sunday's last shot, "As I was starting to get on the trigger, the gun just went off," he said.

Rule #2: ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until READY TO FIRE

I wonder if Matt's learned his lesson yet?


Many top athletes are cracking under the intense pressure of the Olympics competition.

A few of the Chinese athletes that made it to the finals in their sports but then failed to medal have actually openly wept in public immediately after their failures.

They were clearly in real emotional pain.



They were clearly in real emotional pain.

Especially since the Chinese have already established a documented policy of awarding olympic medalists with lavish rewards: including Houses, good jobs, and significant social standing.

Maybe it's the pain of knowing you're going back to the rice paddy you came from instead of movin' on up...


Especially since the Chinese have already established a documented policy of awarding olympic medalists with lavish rewards: including Houses, good jobs, and significant social standing.

Indeed, when talking about one of China's leading track stars, the commentator noted that the government had even bought a lavish new home for the athlete's parents.

So even the parents of the athletes get rewarded by the state, for raising a national hero.
