olympic arms, out of business


New member
Plenty of manufacturers may have considered building a 7.62x39 pistol, but didn't. In being the first, Olympic justifiably received the scorn they deserved. Not unlike the bozos recently who tried to market a 5.45x39 pistol, leading to the banning of cheap and plentiful 7N6.

There is no doubt that these laws are idiotic and draconian, and we should all be working to overturn them. But as long as they exist we have to follow them and be intelligent about how they are applied. Olympic wasn't.

And just how helpful is it to blame members of the shooting community instead of the stupidity of congress? It's no different than calling folks who don't like AR15s FUDDs, or for folks who don't like AR15s saying their sales should be restricted.

It's really pointless and only helps folks trying to further limit gun rights.


New member
Well I for one will be sorry to see them go, I really do enjoy my old sten mag 9mm ar upper. I'm now going to have to order a few parts just incase something happens in the future. I dont like to see any business in the USA closed, thats Americans with out a job.


New member
I, for one, am sad to see them go. When I was stationed at McChord AFB, and later when TDY there, I visited Olympic Arms. They were kind enough to show me through their entire operations... from the machining of their lowers and uppers, to their lathes where they created the barrels, assembly, the works. The folks were beyond nice. They took really good care of all the guys I knew who went in there.

As for their product, in the last decade I thought they put out some pretty good stuff for the price point. No, they were not LWRC, or LMT, or Noveske, but then you were not paying LWRC, LMT, or Noveske prices. Their creation of 22-250 and WSSM uppers were pretty ingenious. If it wasn't for the failure of the WSSM cartridges to stick (which is not their fault), I would view those options as a surefire way to get .243 and near 25-06 power out of an AR-15-sized lower, avoiding the weight of the larger AR-10 class.

Sure, their cast lowers were a problem a long time ago, but companies make mistakes and move on. As for their pistols in 7.62x39 and ensuing ATF issues, this is the first I have heard about it. How long ago was that? But haven't other companies done stupid things in the past? Ruger? Colt? Come on, gotta let things go! As was also said, if you don't like the laws, have you met with/written your congressman/woman or senator about changing them?

To echo smee's remarks, I see this as another group of Americans now out of a job... Not like there are a bunch of AR manufacturers in the Tacoma-Olympia area for them to move to! Then again, I wonder how much the ultra-left/anti-gun leaning area they are in contributed to their closing! Maybe Scorch could shed some light on that...


New member
Sad to see them go as well, but it is now a buyers market. I wouldn't be surprised if several more companies go out of business. Many companies and dealers alike gouged prices during the last 8 panic years.


Active member
it is well-known that Olympic is directly responsible for the ban of quite a bit of inexpensive surplus 7.62x39mm ammo.

I'm not buying this! Olympic built a pistol that anyone could build. In fact, there are presently too many makers of the AK pistol to count; and even several makers of .308 pistols.

As far as being able to get Chinese ammo - true, the really cheap stuff was banned but there's plenty of cheap 7.62x39 ammo available which, when factoring in inflation in ammo prices, isn't really all that much more expensive. I think I used to be able to buy a 1000rnd tin of chinese corrosive ammo for about $100. Filthiest stuff I ever shot, but it was cheap!


New member
My first AR I got is an Olympic and I am quite happy with it. I recently visited their website and was thinking of purchasing a different upper. After seeing the prices I decided to just purchase a Ruger 556 as I could get a complete firearm for less. Kinda tells the story- saturated market with cheaper options. I agree it's too bad for the employees and there's probably more to come. Who was it I heard was going to start making an AR, Savage??----- boy that's a mistake, last guy to the game usually loses his butt.


New member
My first AR I got is an Olympic and I am quite happy with it. I recently visited their website and was thinking of purchasing a different upper. After seeing the prices I decided to just purchase a Ruger 556 as I could get a complete firearm for less. Kinda tells the story- saturated market with cheaper options. I agree it's too bad for the employees and there's probably more to come. Who was it I heard was going to start making an AR, Savage??----- boy that's a mistake, last guy to the game usually loses his butt.

Springfield Armory's "Saint" is the last major manufacturer to get in the AR game. Kinda late though.

I believe the Savage came out after the Saint.
