Old, standard load for C&B revolvers? No such thing


New member
During the Battle of Fredericksburg, Confederate defenders often tore apart the paper cartridges of their Enfields and loaded only half the powder into their rifles because the advancing Yanks were so many and so close.

OK so you're gonna have that many bullets flying at you and you're gonna take time to dump a half a load of powder out when you could possibly take out two or three Yanks with a full load? I don't think so.


New member
During the Battle of Fredericksburg, Confederate defenders often tore apart the paper cartridges of their Enfields and loaded only half the powder into their rifles because the advancing Yanks were so many and so close.

OK so you're gonna have that many bullets flying at you and you're gonna take time to dump a half a load of powder out when you could possibly take out two or three Yanks with a full load? I don't think so.
Have to agree with the Hawg on that. Sounds a bit too far fetched to me.:confused:


New member
Excellent information you put up there! There is a lot of food for thought and thinking about it , when in the heat of battle I doubt much measuring went on...
Government contracts back then must've been as broadly spec'd as they are today, hence the HUGE variations in powder loads and bullet weights. The poor Soldier ultimately paid the price by never knowing which lot of ammo was the best.
I guess when the used to load loose powder, they loaded very heavy and didn't worry about Crisco!
Thanks for that info and thanks to all the other guys also!
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New member
I guess they loaded very heavy and didn't worry about Crisco!

They used paper cartridges. The North used arsenal loads. The South used arsenal loads, captured loads, loads taken from dead yanks and loads made by women and kids.


New member
It was the February 1972 issue of the American Rifleman that has the article, not the 1975. This recently came to my attention when a cap and ball shooter in France ordered the 1975 issue and there was nothing of the sort in it.
So, if you wish the full article (which really doesn't contain more loads than I've listed) order the February 1972 edition.

Colt's manufacturing used women to assemble its paper cartridges. The famous writer Charles Dickens, wrote of this when he visited the factory in the late 1850s or early 1860s. I can't recall the exact year.
Manpower was short during the war, so I'm sure that contractors used women and children to assemble paper cartridges as well.
Colt's was a very benevolent employer. Employees lived in company housing, were treated very well, had recreational opportunities and were encouraged to expand their knowledge through education or additional training.
Among those who profited from from Colt's encouragement were Mr. Pratt and Mr. Whitney, who went on to design early aircraft engines.
Employing women and children was a common practice. Sam Colt and those who managed his factory after his death recognized that happy workers were productive.
They also recognized that if you created a favorable work environment, word got out and some very talented, innovative and creative people would apply to work there.
Sam Colt may have had an illegitimate son with his brother's wife. His brother may have been convicted of murder and sentenced to execution (he killed himself just before the execution). Sam may have engaged in what we today consider questionable or shark-like business practices -- but the more I read about him, the more I have to admire his treatment of employees.
Getting a job at Colt's Firearms in the 19th century, and well into the 20th century, was a good career move for many.


New member
Interesting load data!!!!!

I'm using Triple 7 so I am dropping everything by 15%.

found Buffalo Bullets 125 grain conicals, wonder what a good start load would be for them?????


New member
If we're talking 36 cal Navy I'd start with a 15gr load by volume (use a 15gr BP spout). A 18-20 gr load would be a good all around shooting load and 23-25gr by volume will be a nice thumper.