Okay, guys, time to own up...


New member
"City" camo for me when I need to bring up the "loudness" factor in my style. Jeans don't work all the time, I just add a nice colorful shirt (you want a bold color with little or no design so it doesn't clash with your camos ;) ) and some steel toe Dr. Martens and I am ready to go. Yeah sure, you get stared at a few times but what the hell, why do you care what they think? You gotta live a little... oh, and no one messes with you either :D .



Staff Alumnus
I have about 12 sets of BDU's, Danner Field boots, Cochrane Jump Boots, Jungle Boots, 6 sets of hats, a boonie hat, ruck sack, 5 belts, dress greens, dress shoes, machete, LBE....

all stored in a foot locker :D After wearing it daily in the army, I'll leave it up to you Mall Ninjas to wear the stuff. I had enough of it! lol :)

Ben V

New member
So you kept all your TA-50 (returnable) gear? Now that youv'e posted that fact the black Helocopters are now on their way! LOL

Or it could be that just like any other good NCO that you had your own personal set... :D

Caeca Invidia Es

Staff Alumnus
I wear BDU's and Boots all the time. I prefer comfort over look, and a shirt and tie make me feel like I'm being punished for something. They also last a lot longer then anything else.


Staff Alumnus
The most comfortable pants I own are british BDU's. Now that I think about it, I'm going to look up the info for a forum member...

Son has a picture of me in cammo, but don't be fooled. He told me to look mean! :D

I like surplus stuff 'cuz it's cheap, comfortable, and sturdy.


New member
Don't even own any blue jeans.

WHAT KIND OF AMERICAN DOESN'T EVEN OWN ANY BLUE JEANS?!?! Er you a communeeest er sumthin? :mad:

Juuust kidding, FXR. But you is reeeely strange. ;)

I'm really decked out myself. I've got 1 pair of black BDU style shorts for hiking. Dem pockets, again.

Oh, and a pair of oooolllld jungle boots I keep on hand for when I do some work that involves stepping in muck of whatever kind. They were cheap. And mechanic's coveralls. Cheap surplus, again.

Can't see any other reason for wearing it - civilian hunting or hiking gear is almost always functionally better.


New member
BDU's ?

Of course I am always properly dressed when I go to the Shooting Grounds. Tweed jacket with shoulder patch, Tattersall shirt with tie, Plus Fours and proper socks with contrasting ties. Le Chameau Boots and wool shooting cap.

What is all this BDU stuff:D

Of course, dressed like I am gives me an advantage if confronted by persons with evil intent. They will be laughing so hard I will get the drop on 'em :D

All my BDU's went to the local charity clothing store years ago, along with all the other military issue stuff.

Geoff Ross

Long Path

New member
I have one old pair for hunting (incredibly durable and camo; very useful), and some black ones that I bought from Cheaper Than Dirt to wear as part of my approved Summer uniform. As comfy as they are, I'd be a fool not to wear the Summer uniform when I get the chance!

But I'm extremely uncomfortable wearing any kind of camouflage in public. Not for me.


Herr Walther

New member
Like I said in my above post, I seldom wear any of my issued clothing.

For those that served and have since disposed of their BDU's and or equipment, it's nice to have around if we ever need it again.

I hope it doesn't come to that though.


New member
Just wondering why some people are hesitant about wearing any sort of camo in public. I see it all the time and think nothing of it. Some days I have it on myself. Mostly, it's just a a Mossy Oak "Remington" cap, but I've been known to wear a camo shirt or jacket outside the woods once in a while.


New member
i was hardcore straight edge punk for too long to care what the drooling public thinks of my attire
in fact some daze i wear things just to confound the sheeple
If you see a guy in a Tricorn hat shopping at home despot thats prolly me
funny thing, once you put it on you don't see it.

One of my favorite "confuse the conformists" get ups was to wear a red Chuck Taylor high top on the left & a blue one on the right

Identical shoes in diffferent colors...
People would cross streets to tell me i had two different shoes on
i tied em
(i think this different shoe effect unbalances years of societal potty training)

Camo BDUs are great
I have several sets fer paintball
My one Swiss set should of come with a manual,
There are about 20 diferent buckels & snaps

one problem i have with BDUs is loosing things on my person
did i put that in the inside vest pocket or the inside jacket pocket?

Considering that "everyone" supports the right to own sporting arms for hunting, We should be perfectly acceptable in hunting camo at a rally.

I wore my 10x Blaze orange jacket to the Freeps of Al Gore at the VP mansion. Practical, warm & quite noticible on TV...



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AC's & 45's

New member
I have three or four pairs of old BDU's trousers I wear ocassionally as casual dress. They are comfortable.
I only wear the blouse as a jacket. I don't go so far as top wear
the GI boots though. My New Balance coss trainers are much beter for casual wear. Oh yeah and the BDU's are really durable.


New member
Like ArmySon and a couple of other's, once you've worn something for 20+ years (23 in my case) you don't think they're all that cool.

I went deer hunting here in Idaho with a couple of co-workers a couple of years ago. I showed up in BDU trousers, standard combat boots, a sweat shirt and jacket, and and abreviated set of LBE (I bought this at the PX -- I never stole a thing from the Army!) with my combat knife strapped on my suspenders upside down. I took one look at my buddies faces and realized I needed to make a change. They looked like they thought I might be hunting them instead of deer! Now I wear hunting clothes and keep the few military items I still own in the closet. I still can't bring myself to mix uniform parts and civilian clothes!

...and hats, I hate hats!

Bruce Woodbury


New member

Having been active-duty Air Force for over 15 years since April, I've got a closet full of BDU's and Nomex flight suits, which I wear each and every day at work. Why in hell would I want to wear the stuff on my day off at the range, or Wal-Mart (the other "camouflage promenade" here in Central Florida)? Granted, when I retire in just a few more years, I'll probably have a brain seizure that first morning trying to figure out what to wear. But only after I dump all but the nicest set of my cammies, sans name tapes and rank, into the local Goodwill drop box for the natives to fight over.

We actually had a rule at the range near Sacramento for IPSC matches, no cammies allowed, to avoid presenting the wrong image, especially when there was local media coverage of the events.
Thank God, I thought I was the only one!

I never wear my issue BDUs left over from active duty, but I wear everybody else's, though. It's almost a trademark of mine. Very practical; I've never been the slightest bit self-conscious about it.

My friends got me the camouflage kilt that DZ posted for my 40th birthday, haven't worn it yet, though. I guy has to accessorize properly, you know:D


New member
Did I mention that when I wear BDU pants [1] around the house and property for weed whacking and fence mendin' and the like, I usually wear a tie-dye t-shirt.

[1] OD or khaki never cammo

H&K Fan

New member
Have one in-law, that's all he wears is BDUs. Of course, he left some village an idiot short, but that's a story for another time.