OK, here's MY gunshop rant


New member
One thing worse than some guy pigging out over the showcase is being 21 years old with a shaved head and 6guage earrings and trying to walk into a gun shop and get "the look" it is so annoying and then trying to get somebody to help you just because they take one look at you and think you either dont have the money for a gun or are a Nazi. Ma and Pa stores are nice but some of the old fashioned people that work there are not, I have even had this problem at Cabelas! Just lets me know that my money is not good enough for them.
"look at me like that again and Ill pistol whip you with your own gun"

Willy T

New member
I know exactly what you are talking about. I like to think of them as lonely people whos only link to their fellow man is guns. Then there is the clerks who obviously did not take any training in customer service. On a visit last month to a gun shop I was looking for a new stock for my sons 10/22. I wont say the name...yes I will Chimo Guns in Wasilla Alaska. Anyway, I saw a stock that looked like it would fit his Ruger but was not tagged or packaged. I stood at the counter for a minute then interrupted the conversation to ask the obvious. He says "I dont know, its not tagged, will it? then went back to his conversation that doesn't make his boss any money.
In short I will never return to Chimo guns at 505 E Hearning Wasilla AK. :barf:


New member
RE: Gunshop Rant

BEing's I get to work in one and help customers, WE have pet peeves too.

Can i help you sir?, No I'm just looking... and stands there for 45 minutes.

The other looker, the one who has to hold and touch 20-30 handguns, then
says he cant make up his mind, and has to go home to ask his wife.

Gotta love them chit chatters, you know, Mr Bookworm from Guns and Ammo.
While working with customers, johnny butthead has to give his info. Whoa wait a minute- this is my sale. would you please leave...

After working the backside of the counter, i have this in mind for the shoppers.

If your'e going to buy, then buy and lets start the paperwork.

If your going to look, then look, make up your mind, and buy and lets start the paperwork.

If you come in to chit chat, turn around, walk out the door , get in your vehicle, go home to your spouse, and chit chat there. Not in my shop.
We run a business, not a social lounge.

But thats me....