OK, here's MY gunshop rant

News Shooter

New member
I go to gunshops to shop. There aren't very many in my area and I try to keep up with new acquisitions. But almost every time I go to any one of them there are always some fat slob blocking the case while jabbering with a clerk. They obviously are not there to buy, but rather some people in gunshops just seem to go to feed some childish wanna-be fantasy, or to show off that the owner knows them by name.

Meanwhile, customers can't see what is in the display case because these fat-b******s are blocking the case. And there is nothing you can do to make them get the hint that they are in the way.

The ultimate was yesterday when this stupid moron had actually brought his greasy lunch and had it spread all over the counter and stood there cramming his face while customers couldn't get near the display case.

I fault the owners and clerks for allowing it, but come on folks...how about a little polite behavior out there?

I don't mind the yammering, but can't there be a spot over in a corner where all the Rambos can chatter without blocking the inventory?

Am I asking the unreasonable??


New member
I totally understand. The closest GUN SHOP, per se, is about 45 minutes from my house, not counting the local Gunsmith. I hat going that distance to just shop some guys @$$. The only good shop close by is almost 2 hours away. I, luckily, have a friend that just got licensed and is building a gun shop on his property and currently it is run out of his home. I can stop by and look at guns, enjoy a meal, and go out in the back yard and fire off a few rounds.

But except for him, the only other place to shop is far away and yes, there are some of the "slobs" in question present.

Also, one time there was this "wierd guy" at the range (inside the shop that is 2 hrs away) that had all of his shooting guns for the day concealed on himself. And I am not talking BUG's either. From what I can remember, he had two full size Glocks (a G22 and a G17?) both carried IWB. He was definatly prepared if Al Queda busted up in the range.

There are always the weird and/or unwelcome customers. I guess we can either deal with it, or build our own indoor range.:rolleyes:



New member
sounds like me!
I was unemployed a while back and the secondhand shop was one of the many places I would stop at when I got out of the house.
Its over a year later and I still show up a couple times a week.
Every once in a while, I do the lunch run for them and when I pick up something for myself, I eat over the counter.
But.... I move out of the way when someone approaches the counter.
And I am not fat.

guy sajer

New member
Does this gun shop only have 1 handgun display counter ? This guy must have been 10 ft wide . Or was there a herd of fat guys ?

Did they ignore you when you said "Excuse me gentlemen , I'd like to see what's in the showcase" ?

Just trying to see what you're ranting about :confused:

The lunch business was wrong . We wouldn't tolerate it .

News Shooter

New member
Where I live

The gunshops are usually very small and hidden away so the moonbats won't see them and get upset. The largest of them might have four display cases four feet in length. Invariably, when I go in there is at least one and usually several rambos parked firmly in front of the cases. Yes, I ask politely if they could move so I can see what is in there, but most just ignore it and the clerks never make a move to stop it.
Again, I don't care if they all gather around a hot stove and jabber till their hearts are content. But why does it have to be in front of the cases?

If you're a gun store owner and you're in denial about this being a problem, then that's why you shouldn't be a gun store owner.


New member
The closest gun shop I use to go to and bought some higher end stuff from always had something like that about 80% of the time I was ever in there. Instead of a non-purchasing customer blocking the way, there'd be 3 or 4 guys playing cards right in front of one of the three counters. One of which was usually the owner. If you had a question, it was like a big bother for them to get up and give you some attention. Stopped going there when the other shop I now go to opened up.


New member
With all due respect you sound like a bunch of girls :D

If Fat Rambo doesn't move when you ask him you bump his fat azz with your hip as you slide in front of the case and say excuse me and keep bumping until he moves. And he will move. The suppressed homophobia alone will force him to move away from you. :eek:

You need to stop being so polite and cut right across the conversation with "excuse me I would like to look at this .... whatever" and force the proprietor to attend to you - at least momentarily.

Maybe your wives could help if they have experience buying during busy sales.

It's a wicked world out there in retail!



New member
My favorite shop is in Madison Heights, Michigan. Very friendly and helpful, however, they allow smoking and it stinks. I don't pee on your cothes when I drink beer in the bar, why do they allow smoke on my clothes when I shop?

I have some advice for my fellow small business owners: Run you shop just like the large chains (McDonad's, Taco Bell, etc.) do. No local signs cluttering up the windows, no smoking, etc. Be as professional as possible. Eat in the back room, not at the counter. Would you buy jewlery from a fancy store at the mall where the clerk was smoking and eating a burger?

News Shooter

New member
GHT is probably right

It's just that I'm an Eagle Scout (an affliction that follows you for life) and I was raised in the South to be polite...

You don't get very far these days by being polite, unfortunately. There is just no reciprocity.

Tom M

New member
Kowboy - I also found it odd that they let you smoke in there. Got to be one of the only retail stores in the area that does. I think the owner smokes, or at least used to, so that's probably the reason it's allowed. For some reason, though, I don't seem to notice it. They do have tables and chairs for the Rambos to use, rather than block the counter, though. Like you said - nice place and good folks working there.


New member
Does this gun shop only have 1 handgun display counter ? This guy must have been 10 ft wide . Or was there a herd of fat guys ?

Ok, I sometimes laugh at the computer but this time I laughed my @$$ off!!


New member

1. U need to stop referring to people as "fat slobs". Talk about polite.
2. Just wait your turn, man.
And if U really want to look at guns, log on to the internet. U get more info that way anyway.


New member
I like the "ma and pa store" feel of the gun shops I frequent. They are as much a place to meet and talk, as they are to shop. Any store selling "hobby" oriented merchandise seems to have the same things going on. Model railroaders talking railroading, R/C fliers talking planes, etc. I do enjoy swapping hunting or shooting stories with the employees or other customers.

But in the gun shops I go into, the employees/owners greet you, ask what they can help you with, etc (they know they need to sell to keep the doors open). And I would have to say that, just like at the range, most of the people are courteous (they too realize if the store isn't selling it won't be there long). If an ignoramus happens to be in my way, I can be firm and polite at the same time. I have no problem asserting myself in a courteous fashion.

If you're a little more shy or less assertive than myself, may I suggest beans and beer the night before you go shopping.:eek:

It won't take people long to get out of your way. The smell of smoke and a loud report work wonders...:D
take your hard earned money elsewhere. thats what say, if the clerk is not going to help you, and let a bunch of "loiters" just stand around and take up space just go elsewhere. ask nicely and if both the clerk and gunshop rambo just stare at your like your a jerk, just say "fine i will take my money somewhere else". i think most if not all gun store rambos are sad lonely men, that dont have many friends, or dont work, and cant think of anything else to do but hang out at gun stores and feel macho. i understand if you like going to the gun shop and look at stuff you might one day buy (i have done this many times), but after i am done looking at what i came to see i say thank you and let the clerk help the next person. i might talk alittle if no one is waiting , but thats it. at the local gun stores near me, the clerks are the real *******s. one shop the clerks are always in a bad mood, and will insult you if you are taking "too much time" (like 3seconds too long), trying to decide what you want to rent, and the other one has clerks that ask you if you are going to buy the first 5 seconds you hold a gun ( i like to get a good feel for something before i blow over $500 on it). anyway good thread, and i understand completely where the poster is coming from

News Shooter

New member
Thanks Half-Price

I appreciate the understanding. I'm not trying to be difficult.
The problem is that where I live (MA) there just aren't too many places to turn to. If I tell one of them to stick it, I'm down to practically nobody. The bottom line is that it doesn't pay to make enemies, at least here. As hard as it is do business in this God-forsaken state, I just can't understand why owners treat potential customers like dirt.


New member
There are three big things that distinguish a salesman from a social club from a knowledgeable gun clerk. Courtesy, respect, and knowledge. A salesman will show you courtesy and respect by giving you his full attention as soon as he can and will have social hour later with his buddies or at the very least include you in the conversation. A social club will have some knowledge about the subject at hand. The knowledgable gun clerk will be able to include you in the conversation, show you what you would like to see, answer any questions that you might have, and make a reasonable friendly suggestion or recommendation based on what you tell him you want. The knowledgable gun clerk is what seperates a gun shop from jerk gunshop proprietors and Walmart.


New member
Gunshops used to be like barbershops.
They were a place for guys with similar interests to hang out.
There was one such place in the town where I used to live.
The shop was upstairs and the indoor range was in the basement.
It was a fun place to hang out and shoot.
Ofttimes, the owner would order pizza for the regulars, on the weekend.
We would stand around, munching pizza ...off the counters.
Yeah, we bought the occasional gun, but mostly, it was a place to hang out!!
Those days have ended. Gunshops are now more like fast food joints. Get in, buy what you want, and get out!! If you aren't buying, we don't want to talk to you!!
I miss that old gunshop!!! :(

guy sajer

New member
Eagle Scout

Honestly , your first post doesn't read as being polite . My Mother raised me to be polite . I don't call people names unless I know them and they can take a shot back at me .
The scouts taught me to camp and survive outdoors . I didn't make it to Eagle Scout , but I can make it out doors . I tip my hat . :)

Loud and blustery doesn't make for a good deal when bargaining for a used handgun in our store . Be polite and wait your turn . Move up right next to them if they're obviously not making a deal , just shooting the bull . Then pick your spot and ask to see the gun . If the employee is annoyed , ask for the owner . If you're still not treated with respect , move along . They don't deserve your business .

News Shooter said:
If you're a gun store owner and you're in denial about this being a problem, then that's why you shouldn't be a gun store owner.
You're welcome in our store anytime . We've got about 2,000 guns in 10,000 squ ft so you've got some breathing room . The commute would be a bear though . ;)

Barr said:
There are three big things that distinguish a salesman from a social club from a knowledgeable gun clerk. Courtesy, respect, and knowledge. ...
Well put !


fat people need love too!:D , I went to a shop to buy a holster, I knew what I wanted and what size I needed. Only 1 guy behind the counter, he's helping Billy Ray look at a handgun. This guy is looking at this friggin gun for 10 min! I'm standing where the holsters are (those to are behind the counter) patiently. I'm overhearing this guy and its obvious he's not gonna buy it, but he's just looking at it and the clerk is just standing there. Finally I said "I need that #15 uncle mikes holster can i get that real quick?" The clerk got it and I was outta there. I just wish I spoke up sooner cause the guy was STILL looking at the same gun! I understand if you want to look at something, but come on, quit making me wait while you lolly gag around and you're not even gonna buy the thing!
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New member
but it wasn't the customer....

....it was the CLERK making you wait, indycolts. You really do need to speak up and say, "Excuse me, could you let me look at that?" Say it like you mean it and like you expect to get your request. Not demanding, just firm and confident.

That's how us girls REALLY do it, btw, GHT :D ;)

Or you can butt into the conversation. That will either end the conversation or you'll end up having a fun 15 minutes talking guns. :eek: ;)
