Oh no, honey! He'll just take it away from you...H

Lord Grey Boots

New member
Get your self a handgun sized squirt gun.

Fill with water.

Ask whomever to take it away from you, without getting wet.

To make it real clear, add red food coloring.


New member
Oh no, honey! He'll just take it away from you

To carry any gun you must:
[1] Deside that you will never be a victon.
[2] Get the necessary training/certification.
[3] Carry the handgun where it can not be taken away from you.
[4] Carry ammo. that will give you a 1 shot stop.


New member
If your attacker is within 21 feet, and has even the slightest element of surprise, you will not be able to draw from a concealed location and hit him. Reality sucks.

I'm not saying that carrying concealed isnt worthwhile, but if somebody REALLY wants to get to you, they will.

Unless you sister is willing to put in a serious commitment to training with whatever kind of weapon she chooses to carry, her voice/hands/situational awareness is a more appropriate tactic.