Oh no, honey! He'll just take it away from you...H


New member
This was the reaction I recieved when I learned of the gang-rape in Santa Barbara and told my parents we should get my sis a gun.

"Absolutely not."

"What??? Why???"

"They'll just take it away from her...use it against her..."

Could someone PLEASE explain to me how this is done???

I'd REALLY love to do a demo:

-Take an *UNLOADED* gun (maybe even remove the barrel or something, just for extra, super-duper safety)

- Have dad come at me, as if he were bent on causing me harm

-Show him how many times I could pull the trigger before he could touch my (or my sister's) hands

I think that would be sufficient to debunk THAT little piece of BS.

Anyone else?


New member
You would think that'd be enough. Sadly, many people have fallen victim (no pun intended) to the mantra of "experts" who ludicrously advise that a firearm is of no use in self-defense.

I suggest you take your sister shooting, and if she shows an interest arrange for her to get lessons. It can be a real confidence builder for people who previously relied on nothing but the opinions of "experts".


New member
you'll have to draw the weapon from a concealed position to simulate the actual time it will take to get in a defensive position. and dont forget to call into consideration the element of surprise. having a gun in your sisters hands wont be as effective if she isnt prepared to use it to stop an attacker.

have you ever done a dummy run yourself to see how quick you can draw your weapon out? i havent.


New member

Get a cheap semi-auto paintball pistol. Practice with it. Make a bet with Dad that if he can get to you from 15 feet away and get your gun before you tag him with a paintball, you won't ask about your sister getting a gun again. If you do tag him, then he will support getting a gun.

Then after you splatter him with paint, remind him that 98% of defensive gun uses merely involve presenting a gun and showing you are willing to defend yourself.


New member
when I studied taekwondo we were learning gun takeaway techniques, I told the head instructor that it wouldn't work, he told me to prove it so I brought in a paintball pistol (pump action), after a variety of scenarios he never managed to get it from me and got lots of paint on him trying :) we even tried scenarios where you're drawing concealed and he still got shot, just backpedal, draw and fire


New member
with that frame of logic we should just arm all the criminials, that way WE can disarm them and use the guns against them.


New member
Just send sis to LFI-III and a Jim Lindell class. Do it, for the children (or child).

We hope to have a class at MTG this winter in the `burbs of Chicago. Have sis come on out. Check the website and call Andy to get on this.


New member
The biggest factor is willingness to fire. I know first hand of a situation where a guy showed up at his girlfriend's house to beat the crap out of her. She would not let him in and retrieved her newly purchased double action revolver to protect herself. He broke out a window and came in. She threatens him with the gun, but does not fire. She winds up with one bullet in the gut and four in the head.

If you think your sister would be hesitant to pull the trigger, please discourage her from getting a gun and encourage her to get a can of pepper spray. It is a pitiful alternative, but a handgun that you are unwilling to use is often more dangerous than nothing at all. The aforementioned individual would probably not have killed the young lady that day (he had repeatedly and severely beaten her before, but I don't think he would have intentionally killed her).

If she would be willing to use it, by all means help her make a good purchase and learn how to use it properly. If more of these scumbags started getting perforated when they tried to hurt those who are smaller than themselves, perhaps a few would think twice.
Either too many Jackie Chan movies or too much propaganda from the Brady Bunch. I'd tell sis to take her chances with a gun but to learn to use it properly and do some handgun retention (never in a purse but on her body, at close quarters, to back off and to keep near hip).

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus

Gary H

New member
Hesitation..that is how.

If someone has a problem with hurting another person, even when they are about to get stomped, well, the street smart perp can smell an opportunity. Look at some of the posts on this board from folks concerned about hurting someone. They want to use a BB gun, or stun gun. The liberal mental out of control. The other persons life is important, but mine is unimportant. Even if they don't really believe this, it can lead to hesitation. That is where the gun is a danger to the owner. Train her and he will not have the breath left to smell any opportunity.


New member
Do this:

Take whoever to an indoor range that has an automatic target retriever thingee-mabob. You on the pistol; whoever on the retriever thingee.

Pistol holstered or at the low ready, target at a distance of 5M or so. Have whoever bring the target in whenever they feel like it; issue a warning to the threat to stop, then kill it.

I can easily empty a 8+1 1911 or a 6 shot .357 before the attacker is at arm distance. (All COM or centre of head.)

Sure it is unrealistic, but will prove the point you are trying to make.


New member
From one of the best arguments I have had with an anti

anti- They'll just take it away from you
Me- That isn't so easy, and if it is so easy, I'll just take it back from them.
anti- slow nodding movement


aikidoka - mks

New member
I have a friend that told me she considered carrying a firearm but decided not to because realized she would hesitate in using it unfortunately. She made the right decision - to bad she is the type to hesitate though.

I do like the response about taking the gun back. I will have to remember that.
