Oh, by the way... Arachniphobia Redux...

Jim V

New member
SMS, "Cry havoc and unleash the terantulas of war." Of course then you ahve the problem of getting those critters back in their homes.


New member
yeah, the cricket sits still chirping away till i'm an inch away from squishing it and somehow crawls off. i can definitely get the barrel all the way up to it and blast it to kingdom come.

and uh, about releasing the T's, wouldnt go over too well with the landlord, seeing how i already 'misplaced' one due to my own stupidity and left its top open.


New member
The spiders in Panama may indeed have longer fangs than what I said. I didn't look that close. :D :D I had a friend that lived in Colon, Panama for a short while until he got on post housing. Very high crime rate, trashy houses etc. He came home from work one day and found his wife sitting at the kitchen table crying. He went into hyper mode thinking someone had broken in, wife had been mugged or something. He finally got it out of her that there was a spider in the closet and it scared her. He says "Oh come on, so there's a spider in the closet. Big deal. He went over a jerked the door open and came face to face with Mr. Birdeater guarding his space in the closet. Door slams shut and he shouts "There's a SPIDER in the closet!" They moved shortly after that ;)


New member

Still )*(&^)*&^ draining. And itching. Gonna go down to medical and get the dressing changed AGAIN.

Still taking augmentin. Feel better.

Nuke 'em from orbit. Then nuke 'em again.

When I was in Panama, we'd throw bayonets at 'em. If you had a close miss, you did NOT immediately retrieve the bayonet.