Of these two 1911's which would you choose ?


New member
Yes, both are over priced and I'd look elsewhere.

If you want a Colt, they now have the new Combat Elite with a properly fitted beavertail for around the same price as the used Colt.

And, you can buy a new Baer for about the same as used.


New member
$1400 for a used Gold Cup? That is a lot. I'm not as familiar with Baer pricing, but I thought the Premier II was about $1800, so the pictured gun must have a lot more than night sights going for it to get it to $2300?


New member
I have both and have shot the Baer quite a bit. Just got the Colt and was very pleased the first few times to the range. If you want to spend an extra $600-800 go for the Baer. If you want to stay slightly under a grand go for the Colt. In my honest opinion, I don't think the Baer is worth the extra cash.


New member
That's a lot of money for a used Gold Cup, especially when you consider that for very little more than that, I'm getting a new "built to my specs" custom bobtail from Fusion. My choice of sights, trigger, finish, appointments, etc etc. MY weapon that will be handed down as the weapon "Dad" or "Grandpa" used to carry. I made it to fit me not the other way around. Not just another .45 that was cranked off a line somewhere. It's at least something to think about.


New member
LouPran said:
The $900 difference makes me wonder if it's worth it.

This would really be more of a collector for me that gets shot casually.

For any serious shooting I have my revolvers and Springfield XD's which I love.

And once Springfield comes out with the XDm45acp ... I'll probably put all others to the side for a long time.

Lou, if you're 100% sure about this above statement, there's no reason to spend the extra on the Les Baer. Heck, for that matter, there's no reason to get one as nice & accurate as the Colt. Get an entry-level Springfield GI or something.

I suspect however, that you will probably be surprised by either of them. Either of them would handily outshoot any XD or XDm, once you get used to the different handling & trigger characteristics. If you just emotionally like XDs that's one thing. But if it is about how well it shoots, you may become a 1911 guy. Ever had one before? I've only shot one once, a fellow shooter's gun at the range. It was a S&W 1911. My wife instantly loved it. I liked it and was just warming up to it when we had to give it back.


New member
There's no doubt I love the XD's. My son's XDm in .40 is an amazing shooter. (EDIT: Ooops , actually it's a 9mm I think)

If Springfield duplicates that in a 45acp , they may have IMO the best workhorse on the planet in that caliber out of the box.

I've wanted a 1911 for a while and have shot a few different models.

I like them a lot but I never felt a very strong desire to get one , but I have the bug right now for one. This afternoon I'm going to look at a few. I may even opt for a Springfield. I don't know yet. I saw the used ones available , but In all honesty , I'd much prefer a stainless/chrome/nickel finish on a 1911 so I may look that route.
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New member
I have the Thunder Ranch Special. It is one of my best shooting guns in terms of accuracy, trigger feel, and reliability. The tolerances are extreemly tight and the gun is exceptionally well made. My cousin has a Colt Gold Cup and it can't hold a candle to the Les Baer. When it is all said and done, the Gold Cup is still off the production line where as the Baer is a semi-custom gun.

If you are looking to spend less money, you might want to compare some of Springfield Armory's "customized" pistols. I have heard many good reviews on them.


New member
Lou, where the 1911 comes in is when you shoot one enough to get used to the trigger. Once you get used to that SA trigger, even a rough one, others don't seem good any more.

Also (from a former Glock owner) they feel like they are better built. They don't feel cheap. No that XDs and Glocks are unreliable or bad, but they just feel cheap compared to 1911s.


New member
You don't state what model the Baer is but it looks like a PII with Baer coat finish. If it is you could buy one new for less than $2k.