Of Mad Dogs and AR15s

gordo b.

New member
But having seen a duster in action(for real) I can't think of anything more likely to avoid a ticket if left as is.:eek:


New member
MAD DOG, You`re Great!!
Your posts made me much more knowledgeable `bout the
direct gas impignment rifles :) I`m not bashing the AR here
But That way or the other I`m still more suppurting the crude
AK action (`cause I`ve fired lotsa 7,62x39 rounds from an AKMS)
THis isn`t the "perfect" cartridge, no doubts.Still,I`d feel armed
great with an AKMS + one 75-round drum,and at least four

I hope we`ll meet somewhere on the web
Same to Art Eatman and all those great folks from TFL!

I`m a member to the GlockTalk

Happy New year to all gun lovers !:cool: :)


That MAD DOG rant about the AR15 was such a classic I printed the entire thread out and saved it for posterity. I've shown it to a couple friends who happen to be AR fans and their reactions were amusing, to say the least...