Of Mad Dogs and AR15s


New member
mad Dog Quote

"I have really had it with all of the hype and hyperbole associated with the much vaunted Stoner/AR family of inbred "gray trash".
They suck, plain and simple.”

You know a Thread is heading for “destiny”
when it starts out like this.

I remember those threads well.Like him or not Mad Dog was a colorful character.I cant think of anyone that had as many threads locked down as he did.:):):)I always did a search funtion from time to time with his name to see who he was going after next.

Mad Dog Quote

"Bear in mind that I never said the AR is a "bad" rifle.
If it was simply "bad", I would have spanked it, sent it to bed without dinner, and hoped for improved performance the next day."

Maybe to Mad Dog the terms "suck" and "BAd" are not used in the same context but the two Paragraphs certainly seem to cancel one another out.


New member
I am glad to hear that my now classic efforts at TFL are still appreciated by some of you out there.
Since those halcyon days, I have largely curtailed my posting at TFL. It seems that many of the moderators were losing sleep worrying about what I might say next. That's fine. Not everyone is ready for the sort of amperage I produce. :rolleyes:

Any of you wishing to read the unvarnished, completely original literary "stylings" that I still post on a regular basis are invited to my Tactical Forums site.

There, you will get all of the Mad Dog you can possibly stand, and then some. We also offer the finest military and LE professionals as Moderators and resident experts.

Be sure to read the registration agreement carefully before signing in to post. We keep the screens up and the trolls out.
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Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Now, MAD DOG, I hate to blow your bubble, but if there's anything about TFL that ever disturbed my sleep, I haven't a clue as to whatzit. :D Heck, I gave lessons to Alfred E. Neuman!

:), Art

Jamie Young

New member
Those are my most memorable threads. Actually one of the biggest reasons I hung around TFL. I said it before and I'll say it again, I almost left TFL after 5 posts because of the egomaniac AR owners that prowled here.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
SodaPop, something which is still a mystery to me is how anybody with enough brains to tie his shoes can get all emotional about an AR or an AK clone. Or a Glock or Colt or whatever. I understand somebody preferring one critter over another, but the amount of emotion is a complete mystery.

To get so excited, to take it so seriously that one gets rude, gross and impolite in discussions sez to me this is somebody to avoid like Typhoid Mary...

Oh, well. I've never understood fan clubs or why people buy grocery-store tabloids. "Eat up with the simples," I guess.

:), Art


New member
Art, I don't really get emotional over them normally. But when I hear these people start insulting the rifle, the people who designed it, those who own it, or anyone who's ever looked at one and NOT wished they didn't have to share the planet with it, I tend to be a little miffed. When I'm away from those people tho, I could care less. I have to wonder if the fanatics were like me once, and they've just forgotten to drop the argument once they're away from the offensive folks. That still doesn't explain where the original fanatics came from though.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Triad, it's one thing to refute wild-eyed statements. I'm all in favor of that. It's the yowl-howl in the first place that's puzzling...

Like the Mini-14 stuff. That gun wasn't intended as a long-string, tight-group critter. So, why get excited that it ain't? Hey, if I want to go run at Indy I ain't gonna buy a VW bus.

And lotsa other stuff...Why the emotion? The brand of critter ain't gonna enhance the manly prowess. :D


Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
I agree 100% with Art, and will take it one step further.
It isn't the brand, type or caliber, it's the man behind it.

I can't count the number of times I've heard about a fella's 1 MOA rifle, how much it cost and how good it can shoot off a sandbagged rest. Does little good when only a handful of shooters can shoot that good from field positions in a hurry when their target is moving, rain is falling, wind is blowing, etc.

It takes a lot of time and practice to learn how to really run the gun. If you put in the time, almost anything will suffice.

Just my .02

Hey Art, watch it with the VW Bus slams. I made it from Dallas to Austin in my '72 Westfalia in only 6 hours in late August of 1999, and only had to stop 5 times; once for gas, 3x for oil, and one just to slow down the tremors and refill my water bottle. The truck may not need water, but the occupant sure does.

Just remember, with an aircooled VW you can either run the air conditioning and stay a little less hot at a standstill, or you can roll down the windows and hope the drag isn't too bad that you can't make it up the hills with the compressor off.

BTW, my AR15 Comp HBAR's ride home new from the store was in the back seat of my Westy (obligatory firearm reference).

<G> Best Regards,

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
S.A., I've owned a half-dozen Beetles and four buses--and spent 1968 as an FV racer in SCCA. :)

Folks used to aske me how long it took to drive from Austintatious to Terlingua (500 miles) and my answer was, "Aw, six-pack, six-pack and a half..."

My last bus was a flat-fan '74 that I turned into a 2-liter with dual Webers. 95 mph in a VW Bus on the upper deck of I-35 in Austin is almost scary! :D



New member
You know Art, for me, driving anything in Austin (w/possible exception for AFVs) goes a little past almost scary.;)


New member
To answer Triad's question:

The name should explain it all:

We specialize in Tactics and Tactical weaponry.

We do have a Custom Guns Forum, moderated by gurus Hilton Yam and Tim Lau.
We are also the official cyber-home of the Church of the Tactical Truth.

The pedestrian concerns of the Handi Rifle, the .32acp Lorcin and the Ruger 10/22 concern us not. The rarified air where dwelleth the engraved Perrazzi double guns leaves us gasping..."Why?"

There are plenty of other places on the web perfectly willing to host such conversations. We stick to what we know best, that which we are actually interested in.

If you want the straight poop on Terminal Ballistics, Navy SEALs, RKBA issues, the USMC Force Rec, the Airforce, the Army, Mad Dog Knives, where to train or what to train with, TF is the place.

Stop on by. If you like it, READ the registration agreement before signing it, and stay a while.

Merry Christmas to all,

Mad Dog

PS: I am glad that Denny qualified his comment as "almost anything will suffice".... For as we know, many so called weapons simply will NOT suffice.
At TF, we focus on the ones that WILL suffice for Tactical and Combat roles. Reliability is everything.


New member
"I am glad to hear that my now classic efforts at TFL are still appreciated by some of you out there."

Mad Dog,

Funny, I don't remember anyone posting that they appreciated your post:):):):) I for one found them entertaining as well as informative.

Merry Christmas everyone!


New member
MAD DOG, I appreciate your explanation. I guess the reason I asked was because when I think "custom" guns, I'm thinking about the ultra pricey guns that I doubt many people who had to actually pay for theirs would carry.

Art, "excess horsepower and nerf bars", I can see how that might inspire confidence. I'm still thinkin armor plate and excess firepower tho :D

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Triad, I trained on the then-new M-42 "Duster" light tank with a twin-40mm gun turret on top. I always thought that one of those--sans turret--would have made a good commuter vehicle.

(Removal of the turret would allow access to parking garages, alleviate police nervousness, and provide room for your car-pool buddies to play cards.)

:D, Art