Observation on Indonesia


I have volunteered [with pay] to assist in the relief effort. I will be leaving this Sunday and will not be returning until the 31th of January.


New member
Best of luck, and thank you for doing what most of us cannot afford to.

In 1992, the US promised to (try to) donate .7% of our GNP in aid annually. We currently rank 20th in percentage. We're criticized because we've reneged on that every year since.... Aid Pleged by Industrial Nations


New member

The following is a copy of a quick comment I addressed to NPR's Day to Day, where I had heard the original comment yesterday. Also, a copy of my Letter To The Editor at Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, where it will not likely be printed. Before anyone chooses to "blaze away at me", if such be their choice, for my observations, please CAREFULLY read what I wrote. Thank you.


The following is a copy of a Letter to The Editor I sent re the above. The subject line of my letter read as follows: Re Muslim sensibilities, Muslim hatred for Americans, recent natural happenings and plain old fashioned BALONEY. Given that there is zero likelihood of my letter being printed, I thought that I would forward it to you, for your thoughtful attention and consideration. Let me know what you all think, including any "misinterpretations" you think I might be guilty of.


Earlier this afternoon, we heard in the course of listening to a news broadcast on WDUQ, comment about Muslim sensibilities and the hatred for Americans amongst Muslims, this connected with recent happenings in Indonesia and other places.

In the first instance, allow me to note that the people of Indonesia, a country with one of the largest Muslim concentrations in the world, bear no responsibility for the earthquake and the tidal wave that followed. The government of that nation might have been better prepared, but that is another matter. I will also note that the earthquake was not brought on by those dastardly Americans, no matter whose side they might be on respecting those Palestinians, and their ongoing, to some extent SELF CREATED/SELF PERPETUATED WOES.

In any event the Americans are somehow at fault for having placed, through their attempts to ameliorate thirst, and hunger, Muslim people in "undignified attitudes" as depicted in film showing this activity, by their surrounding helicopters trying to land foodstuffs, sometimes dropping them, as there might not have been a proper landing space, according to comment in the news story.

At the risk of coming across as unfeeling, harsh, lacking in understanding of the religion and or the culture of others, not to mention being guilty of being "overbearing", what else might I possibly be, since I too am an American, the following comes to mind. These poor Indonesians could perhaps have abstained from what was perhaps a mob scene at food and water drops, thereby retaining their "dignity" while continuing to suffer from hunger and thirst. Being human, not to mention hungry and thirsty, they did the best they could in trying to obtain such help as was offered, even when offered by those dastardly Americans, who of course, could be ranted at later on. By the way, regarding the "worrying" of some about whether long term help would be available, how high a position in the administration of this "long term help" do some of the worriers envision for themselves, for helping oneself is also a manifestation of human nature, isn't it? Some seem to have raised such self-help to an art form however

By the way, respecting the hatred of America and things American by Muslims, something often mentioned, those poor Palestinians are always handy to serve as a hook on which to hang ones coat or robe, how much aid, long term or immediate, can the Muslim World be looked to by those poor bastards in Indonesia? Another aspect worthy of thought might be the following. What might happen if those terrible Americas weren't around, seemingly ever ready to serve as both sources of succor and convenient repositories for the hatred so easily stirred up by their own, double-talking "clerics", who appear to be more parasite like than does the average tape worm. Of course, the scourge of tape worms can be taken care of by proper cooking of foods, and or simply avoiding certain food items. Unfortunately, it appears that the religious parasites, that ALL are plagued with, are more difficult to rid ourselves of, and people seem unable to heat the soup to temperature high enough to permanently take care of the problem. Pity that.

Lawyer Daggit

New member

Aside from the humanitarian benefit of assisting someone in need, assistance in the Phillipines may do much to improve the perception of Americans in the non western world- which regardless of religion, I am sorry to say is crap.

Usually when Uncle Sam provides aid there is an alterior motive associated with US strategic interests / big business / oil supply .

I am non bashing Americans- I am an Australian and like most of my country men, class myself as a friend of the American people, however, what I am trying to do is point out some home truths about the behaviour of your government- and an ignorant minority of Americans.

Desert Dog

New member
The following link has pictures for those of you who insist there are political leanings to the relief effort in Indonesia. These before and after pictures hammer the point home of how badly that part of the world was destroyed on December 26th (my time)...

Sobering satellite photographs to say the least... The destruction in Aceh province is near total:



New member
I believe most people want to help and that I think is good however sad to
say very little out of total dollars spent will get down to the very poor who
need it most, all I would suggest to those people making donations be wary
do your best to get into proper hands when this much money becomes
available it brings out the worse in all parts of the world.


New member
Some of you are so thick headed

Everyone agrees the place is destoyed and that it is probably the worst diasater any of us will see. Yes, they need help. Yes, the U.S. should contribute to the relief effort. The point it is , the U.S. could give 10 trillion dollars, would that be enough? No. Still we will be criticized and we will still be hated by the same people hating us now. The way some of you sound you won't be happy until we turn the U.S. into a 3rd world country just so we can try to make every other nation happy.

I feel bad for those people too but ............. let it go and stop analyzing how much the U.S. gives compared to GNP or compared to how much Bill Gates wipes with, we are helping the best we can. If some of you feel we aren't, feel free to empty your bank account to help or how about going over and grabbing a shovel and help them dig out yourself.


New member
"the perception of Americans in the non western world- which regardless of religion, I am sorry to say is crap."

All the ones I've met liked Americans...that's why they moved here. ;) Just on my block we have an Egyptian, Chinese, Iranians & many others.

Seriously, I've travelled some outside of the country and the people I've met have been most pleasant and have never said a bad word about the U.S. of A. Maybe it was just my charming smile? Do I believe the whole world loves us...nope, not for a minue...and I'm not sure it matters. Maybe they should spend more time fixing their own messes and less time complaining that everybody else isn't doing enough. You can't please everyone all of the time...just read the posts on this board by some of the Americans.



New member
This is one of the most anti-american/west countries outside the middle-east. It is almost 88% muslim, many fanatical. I believe that there were a few bombings, and a lot of australian tourists were killed.
If I could, to rein this thread back to its original direction, dragging it back from all our collective self abasement and collective do-goodery, I'd like to post the following links:



I must be narrow minded. I agree with being cautious as to who we help and just how much...or maybe just be honest....what does it matter to us..people die all the time..lost several of my OWN FAMILY in tragedies..can't stop death. It's not our responsiblity. It is US against THEM. THEY really do hate "us". Dont wish it on anyone, really, but they have a government, they bear the sole responsibility...and who wants to catch flies???.save your honey..tough times come back around.


I must be narrow minded. I agree with being cautious as to who we help and just how much...or maybe just be honest....what does it matter to us..people die all the time..lost several of my OWN FAMILY in tragedies..can't stop death. It's not our responsiblity. It is US against THEM. THEY really do hate "us". Dont wish it on anyone, really, but they have a government, they bear the sole responsibility...and who wants to catch flies???.save your honey..tough times come back around.

Yep, I agree 100%

The Revolver
Not as clumsy or random as a semi-auto
An elegant weapon for a more civilzed society


New member
Tsunami aid...

Like it or not, we have a Christian obligation to help those in need.

Even in war, there can be truces, as evidenced by the Christmas truce of 24 December 1914.

I won't guess a percentage, but a lot of those folks probably couldn't care less about our politics or religion- right now. They just need help. A lot of them are children, who never hurt anybody.

We should do this without turning it into a "look at how much we gave" exercise. Note that the UN was more concerned with whining about who gave what, than it is about actually delivering relief to tsunami victims. Note also that the UN is a worthless dungheap, and needs to be off American soil.

Regardless of how much we DO give, radical Islam will continue to hate our guts- and try and rub us out. When those factions are identified and located, we must deprive them of the opportunity- immediately, without warning, and preferrably from high altitude.

We are never going to be able to give enough to convince the radicals that we are "good people".

Dave B

New member
Like it or not, we have a Christian obligation to help those in need.

I was wondering whether someone here would use that phrase. I also agree 100%.

Not to twist this thread too much, I do have a problem with those Americans who profess to be Christians but who have not taken to heart anything in the Bible that comes after the Old Testament.
