NYPD working to develop gun sensors


New member
If you are will to sacrafice freedom for security, you will have neither. NYC is not one the slippery slope, they hit bottom years ago.

The first person they use this on will kill it in Federal court, after the "evidence" is thrown out of normal court.


New member
There are also a few health risks involved that would need to be worked out first.

For those of you that do not know, RF (radio frequency) radiation can cause long-term health risks. Namely to the eyes and/or testes of a human, being that those are the two softest tissue types on the human body.

4th Amendment concerns aside, I doubt the feasibility of an "active" (meaning a RADAR-type system where RF is transmitted in a directional pattern and receives reflections of objects to generate an image) system to be fully operational and effective without subjecting unknowing citizens to potentially harmful RF radiation.

I also doubt the effectiveness of a "passive" (does not transmit, only receives a wide range of signals and filters out undesired signals based on what I would presume to be a complex system of filters and processors in such a fancy piece of equipment) system to reliably locate weapons and accurately distinguish them from other everyday consumer items such as watches, metal pens, keys, cell phones, PDA's, etc...

I don't think the technology is there, quite frankly, and I think it's a fool's errand that will result in quite a few lawsuits for many different reasons....


New member
While I understand people's concerns, there will be many people who see the issues differently. There are those, who we may call the Silent Majority, who might be seeing an anarchy versus security issue. Most people will prefer security over anything else, historically (I think), and will see it as a law and order issue.

Law and order as a political issue is nothing new and was very much a hot button topic 40 years ago. Collectively, people forget nothing and there is never any going back to before when something became an issue. It will always be too late.