NY TFL Roll Call


New member
Bay Ridge Brooklyn here!

But my guns are at The Firing Line range (No Joke!) in Pearl River NY. Don't have a license yet :(
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New member
Have you guys wrote your assemblyperson/senator in the legislature and asked them to sponsor or support the following bills?

A00941/S03746 Provides that no additional restrictions may be imposed by gun licensing officer in excess of statutory requirements

A09561/S06044 Provides that a properly issued license to carry a pistol or revolver is valid throughout the entirety of the state, including the city of New York.

If you need help figuring out who your state senator or assemblyperson is, send me your address and I'll tell you who they are (and provide addresses).



New member
Hey graystar, say hello to Ziggiemeister at the Firing Line!:D ;)
Don't let him work on your guns though!:eek:


New member
upstate - rottenchester.

"please contact your US senators and voice your opposition to further gun control" .... yeah, right! :rolleyes:

Bill Barrett

New member

At least the Bath area is somewhere you can get an unrestricted permit.

I'll be just down the road from you in Coopers Plains, near corning.


New member
Hey MJ & Shotgun364...

I also went to school in Park Slope...St. Francis Xavier on President St. between 6th & 7th...Lived right down the block from the school...Moved away in '67...We still have a stickball game every August on Carrol St...What a rip...:)


New member
armedbutnotdangerous -

If you have to pass by Addison on 15, remember to plug your nose. Them Addisonites stink like the dairy farms they can't run.
