NY Shooting: Just what the heck is going on???

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Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I find that literally stunning...but in a good way.

Kudos to Judge Joseph Cawley, who apparently began the process of issuing CC permits on his own accord.

It is most unfortunate that there was not one of us there to stop this monster.


It just never ends when will the antiGun people wake up

It won't end. People have their own opinions, whether you like it or not and said people are granted by the United States Constitution to have and enjoy that freedom. Get over it, people are going to think differently than you, that son, won't ever change.


New member
It won't end. People have their own opinions, whether you like it or not and said people are granted by the United States Constitution to have and enjoy that freedom. Get over it, people are going to think differently than you, that son, won't ever change.

Amen. The trick is to work so that THEY don't get to speak for YOU. Remember, silence is often taken for agreement.


New member
The fundamental difference between pro-gun and anti-gun: Progunners demand they be allowed to conduct themselves as the constitution says they can. Antigunners demand that the pro-gunners conduct themselves as THEY say they can.

The difference between "Live and let live" and "Do what we tell you to do"


New member
Radio said 13, dead but not confirmed.

Fox News just said 15, but not yet confirmed at about 1:55 pm

They are looking for a translator to talk to suspects.


New member
18 indycolts your correct it wont change and I have nothing to get over however the people that lost there familys do.cheers
It's only a matter of time before one of these horrible rampages is cut short by someone with the means to do it, maybe one of us. That will be the day public opinion begins to shift as to the benefits of armed, law abiding citizens.

And it isn't about vigilantism, any more than using a fire extinguisher is an attempt at heroism.

It makes me sick. Reading these stories is like watching an accident in slow motion. You want to stop it but there's nothing you can do. The State ought to be ashamed, and liable for some of these deaths, because they prevent the means to lawfully stop them.

I would love to see a DA try to prosecute someone, who because of their civil disobedience, saved the lives of innocent people. Can anyone say 'jury nullification'?


New member
but I doubt its a conspiracy to change gun laws

I am not arguing that it is -- but the media does love this kind of stuff, and I wish there was some way to reverse that.

So, perhaps the problem is, there are too many nut-jobs out there who think their "moment in the spotlight" can be achieved with a gun.

Take away the spotlight, take away the motive. (Well, perhaps one motive...)


New member
Kinda doubt it. It sounds like a non profit org. They dont have a lot of $$$ for that kind of stuff.

Can only hope for a repeat of the attempted church shooting a while back. Nothing stops a rampage like an usher or a patron with a 9mm.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I would love to see a DA try to prosecute someone, who because of their civil disobedience, saved the lives of innocent people. Can anyone say 'jury nullification'?

Even though I would not condone carrying where it is illegal, I would also very much like to see that scenario play out, since I believe that it should NOT be illegal to carry where ever we damn well please.


The State ought to be ashamed, and liable for some of these deaths, because they prevent the means to lawfully stop them.

don't forget that we live in the united stateS, plural. not the united STATE. The federal government allows each state to pass and enforce its laws, respectively. Such laws can be changed by speaking out, voting and demonstrations. How badly do the majority want that to happen? Its clearly shown.


Is there perhaps a little sensitivity training in your future? This makes it better, how?

Nope. Don't need sensitivity training, TYVM.

It makes it "better" because we're more likely to find out he shouldn't have been able to acquire the weapon legally at all, that he was on antidepressants, that he came from a culture that was inherently less egalitarian than ours, that the "salad" metaphor is inferior in application to the "melting pot," and that enough silly feel good laws were already broken by this guy that no more new laws are needed.

It will also create more CCW holders.

Yes, it's insensitive... but the world is inherently an insensitive place. The sooner people realize it, the more likely we are to live in an armed polite society.

This is a horrible crime and my condolences go out to the victims, but when you start to reach double-digit casualties the problem isn't the shooter. It's the targets.
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