NY Shooting: Just what the heck is going on???

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Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Currently reporting 4 fatalities, possibly 5, 12 shot. Approximately 21 "hostages", though they may be more in hiding than hostages, unknown status of the gunmen, described as "asian male, 20 years old". The location is the American Civic Association, and is next door to SUNY Binghamton University. They are also reporting that one person shot is a student at the university. SUNY Binghamton has a high Asian student percentage and, given the age of the gunmen, it is likely that he is a student there.

This is about 25 miles from me.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
They are describing his weapon as a "high powered rifle". Which we all know means that it's a gun of some kind that is bigger than a pistol.


New member
According to their website, the company using the building assists immigrants and refugees with legal issues, counseling, that kinda stuff.

Doesnt sound like the sorta place with a lot of CCW permit holders unfortunatly.


First, gut response to this thread is: Thank God it's an asian guy around student age, and not some "white guy in a white van who's a member of the NRA and hates illegal aliens."


New member
That's my home town. I also have relatives in EMT and LE there.
I can tell you one thing, there will be ZERO legal CCW people there because Broome county is rabidly anti-CCW. :mad:

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I can tell you one thing, there will be ZERO legal CCW people there because Broome county is rabidly anti-CCW.

Times change my friend. I just got mine about two months ago. I know that there have been well over a hundred, probably several hundred, CC permits issued in Broome county since 3rd quarter last year. The clerk told me that they are issuing "over 90 permits a month... and the judge decided to issue concealed permits to everybody who requested them."


"They are describing his weapon as a "high powered rifle". That sounds better to my ears than Assault Rifle. orchidhunter

Sauer Grapes

New member
Yes, but what does the media consider "high powered?" I'm thinking anything with more power than a .22 would be sensationalized as high powered by the media.

Anyway, back on topic, it's a sad situation and I hope they get the guy before anyone else gets hurt.


First, gut response to this thread is: Thank God it's an asian guy around student age, and not some "white guy in a white van who's a member of the NRA and hates illegal aliens."

we all know that the white guy in a van scenario happens too often, people are used to seeing that. Considering when an idiot goes nuts it typically is a white guy. Nice to change it up a bit, right? :rolleyes:


New member

The bad guys are coming out of the woodworks these days. And they are getting more brazen it seems to me. What do you all think is going on here?


Coincidence that so many shootings occured so fast? Maybe. Then again, what kind of good old boy from Alabama would kill his own family? How easy would it be for a masked elitist hired thug to kill all of this poor boys family, and then kill him and make it look like a suicide? Great idea to kill a cops wife too- if you're pulling a PR stunt, go ahead and make the LEO's hate owners of assault rifles too. Coincidence it happend in tandem with another shooting in Germany. Those are my thoughts on Alabama.

The sheer frequency of these shootings is slowly making me suspicious that they may be part of a larger ghoulish and covert PR campaign to disarm the people of their rights. Isn't that how they got the Patriot Act passed too? No, wait, that's a different discussion for a different day.
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Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Now reporting 6 shot 4 dead.

Also reporting that the police now have 2 "suspects" in custody... they have brought out two people in handcuffs, and more "hostages".
The sheer frequency of these shootings is slowly making me suspicious that they may be part of a larger ghoulish and covert PR campaign to disarm the people of their rights. Isn't that how they got the Patriot Act passed too? No, wait, that's a different discussion for a different day.

You have lost your mind. What you are saying is that the ghouls who have orchestrated the campaign have somehow managed to solicit the help murder-suicidal people to do their bidding for them so as to cause trouble for gun rights.

Just how do you suppose they are soliciting said people? How do they find people who want to both die and promote the ghoul PR program agenda?


New member
It just never ends when will the antiGun people wake up and smell the coffee,when it is there family member wife,husband or child that is shot down like a rabit animal.Done venting sorry


New member
There has been a lot of success recruiting people to blow themselves up just to destroy israel. I dont see that its entirely out of the realm of possibility that the same could be done with the most radical anti-gunners out there.

Its incredibly and undeniably unlikely though. To believe that the left wing disarmists have orchestrated this is a little far fetched. Not because they wouldnt if they could, but because their hatred of gun ownership makes them too blind to the real world to be able to pull it off.


New member
Times change my friend. I just got mine about two months ago. I know that there have been well over a hundred, probably several hundred, CC permits issued in Broome county since 3rd quarter last year. The clerk told me that they are issuing "over 90 permits a month... and the judge decided to issue concealed permits to everybody who requested them."

I find that literally stunning...but in a good way.
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