Ny handgun laws


New member
The FFL can ship it to the NY FFL. The NY FFL can have the large magazine because he can sell to those who can legally have them (LEO for example). You on the other hand are committing a felony by having the 17 round mag in your possession. The larger magazine can be "permanently" fixed to carry only 10 rounds. The law does not define "permanent" and the state will not clarify what that means. So I would suggest that if there is not a commercial 10 round mag available, you not buy the gun.

Spats McGee

wogpotter said:
Spats McGee said:
Ummm, buying them out of state and bringing them in . . . is "importing." them.
No it isn't.
(at least according to the state of MD.)
Well, I think you are mistaken, but not mistaken in the way that I thought. Here's the statute on detachable magazines:
Maryland Code Annotated said:
(a) This section does not apply to:
(1) a .22 caliber rifle with a tubular magazine; or
(2) a law enforcement officer or a person who retired in good standing from service with a law enforcement agency of the United States, the State, or any law enforcement agency in the State.

(b) A person may not manufacture, sell, offer for sale, purchase, receive, or transfer a detachable magazine that has a capacity of more than 10 rounds of ammunition for a firearm.

Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law § 4-305 (West)

So, manufacturing, selling, offering for sale, purchase, receipt and transfer are prohibited. I see neither possession, nor import on that list. However, the section delineating the scope of this law is set forth here:
Maryland Code Annotated said:
This subtitle does not apply to:
(1) if acting within the scope of official business, personnel of the United States government or a unit of that government, members of the armed forces of the United States or of the National Guard, law enforcement personnel of the State or a local unit in the State, or a railroad police officer authorized under Title 3 of the Public Safety Article or 49 U.S.C. § 28101;
(2) a firearm modified to render it permanently inoperative;
(3) possession, importation, manufacture, receipt for manufacture, shipment for manufacture, storage, purchases, sales, and transport to or by a licensed firearms dealer or manufacturer who is: [several exceptions relating to sales to law enforcement for transferring prohibited/regulated items out of state, inheritance and other things not relevant to the question of "import"].

Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law § 4-302 (West)
I won't quote the whole definitions section, but that's Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law § 4-301, and it does not contain the word "import," or any variant thereof.

However, I think that wogpotter is wrong in his claim that "bringing something into the State of Maryland" is not "importing." While "importing" is not defined for purposes of magazines, the Maryland Supreme Court has, like many other courts, adopted a "plain meaning" rule:
Maryland Court of Appeals said:
Our approach follows the general principles of statutory interpretation. “First, if the plain meaning of the statutory language is clear and unambiguous, and consistent with both the broad purposes of the legislation, and the specific purpose of the provision being interpreted, our inquiry is at an end.”

Johnson v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore, 430 Md. 368, 377, 61 A.3d 33, 38 (2013)
(internal citations omitted).

According to Webster's Dictionary:
Full Definition of import

transitive verb

1 a : to bear or convey as meaning or portent : signify

b archaic : express, state

c : imply

2 : to bring from a foreign or external source: as

a : to bring (as merchandise) into a place or country from another country

b : to transfer (as files or data) from one format to another usually within a new file

3 archaic : to be of importance to : concern

intransitive verb

3 : to be of consequence : matter
Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/import

Black's Law Dictionary give us this:
This means to bring goods into one country from another country and are regulated by customs law.
Source: http://thelawdictionary.org/import/

Whether "import by a person not a licensed dealer" is prohibited is one question, but what "import" means is something else entirely. I'm pretty confident in saying that under the "plain meaning" rule, bringing something into Maryland means that you're "importing" it into Maryland.

In spite of my reading of all of the above, there are some fairly wrinkly legal doctrines that would make me very, VERY leery of taking anything with a capacity of over 10 rounds into Maryland.

Now, let's get back to NY law, which was the topic of this thread, shall we?


New member
Spats McGee said:
I'm pretty confident in saying that under the "plain meaning" rule, bringing something into Maryland means that you're "importing" it into Maryland.

I'm pretty sure most non-lawyers would disagree because Maryland isn't itself its own country. Moving something (goods) from one state to another within the US would be in my mind an interstate commerce move but not an 'import' per the 'plain meaning.'

I guess lawyers get to define things anyway they want... a rose is a rose by any other name.

Thanks, I learn something new everyday on this site. Some of it, like this, still baffles me though when plain is not so plain.

I believe the OP has been answered as best as it could be.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
"Import" doesn't require entire COUNTRIES to be involved.

It requires an intentional disregard for and suspension of common sense to try to argue that "import" language in a state law requires some sort of foreign country involvement.

Who really believes that NY wrote this law to only make it illegal to bring in high-cap magazine from foreign countries?

"Import" means "to bring into", it doesn't imply international boundaries or trade.

As an example, NY Sate Department of Agriculture has an entire page dedicated to "importing" and "exporting" animals. While it includes Canada, the list is almost entirely made up of the other 49 states.

Frank Ettin

ChuckS said:
Spats McGee said:
I'm pretty confident in saying that under the "plain meaning" rule, bringing something into Maryland means that you're "importing" it into Maryland.

I'm pretty sure most non-lawyers would disagree because Maryland isn't itself its own country....
Lawyers, however, are much better positioned and much more likely than you are to understand how a court is likely to treat the question.

"Plain meaning" is a well settle rule of statutory interpretation. In addition to the case cited by Spats, see Perrin v. United States, 444 U.S. 37 (United States Supreme Court, 1979), at 42:
...A fundamental canon of statutory construction is that, unless otherwise defined, words will be interpreted as taking their ordinary, contemporary, common meaning...

And note the definition of "import" again. It interludes the following (emphasis added):
transitive verb

1 a : ...

b ...

c : ...

2 : to bring from a foreign or external source: as [i. e., illustrative, not necessarily inclusive]

a : to bring (as merchandise) into a place or country from another country

b : to transfer (as files or data) from one format to another usually within a new file

3 archaic : ...

intransitive verb

3 : ...

Spats McGee

Brian Pfleuger said:
. . . . Who really believes that NY wrote this law to only make it illegal to bring in high-cap magazine from foreign countries? . . . .

As an example, NY Sate Department of Agriculture has an entire page dedicated to "importing" and "exporting" animals. While it includes Canada, the list is almost entirely made up of the other 49 states.
Just for clarity: The issue of importing is an issue of Maryland law, not NY.

Spats McGee

ChuckS said:
Spats McGee said:
I'm pretty confident in saying that under the "plain meaning" rule, bringing something into Maryland means that you're "importing" it into Maryland.

I'm pretty sure most non-lawyers would disagree because Maryland isn't itself its own country. Moving something (goods) from one state to another within the US would be in my mind an interstate commerce move but not an 'import' per the 'plain meaning.' . . . .
Thanks, but I'll take my own counsel over that of "most non-lawyers" when it comes to matters of the law and statutory construction. ;)

44 AMP

In the broadest sense, "import" means to bring something from outside, in.

What it means in any specific sense depends on context. What it means in a law is what the court says it means, when and if there is a ruling.

the item does not have to cross international boundaries to be an "import" although that is one very common usage of the word.

You can cut & paste text, "importing" it into a document, as well.

One of the key points about the matter of HI Cap mag laws is whether they use the word "import" or something else, the intent is that you cannot have them shipped to you instate. Depending on the interpretation of the specific law, you may, or may not be allowed to bring ones you already own with you if you move into the state.

Also they frown on you travelling to another state to buy them, and bring them home with you. (and this is for your personal property, not items intended for resale. Those items have other specific requirements that must be met to be legal).


New member
I don't know what to tel you other than every time this comes up the same argument follows.
It Ain't Illegal to leave the state, (where MD state law don't apply) buy a "hi cap" magazine, & bring it into MD as owned personal property. There's no law against importation, possession, ownership, transport or use. You can not transfer it though.

& no, it don't make sense either, but this is MD so its not supposed to.

Spats McGee

wogpotter said:
I don't know what to tel you other than every time this comes up the same argument follows.
It Ain't Illegal to leave the state, (where MD state law don't apply) buy a "hi cap" magazine, & bring it into MD as owned personal property. There's no law against importation, possession, ownership, transport or use. You can not transfer it though.
Not one bit of which affects the definition of "import," which was the point I initially raised with you.

Frank Ettin

wogpotter said:
...& no, it don't make sense either, but this is MD so its not supposed to.
What really doesn't make sense is your haphazard reference to what the story is in Maryland when this thread is about New York.
I'm pretty sure most non-lawyers would disagree because Maryland isn't itself its own country. Moving something (goods) from one state to another within the US would be in my mind an interstate commerce move but not an 'import' per the 'plain meaning.'
I guess I'm not most non-lawyers, because on this point I agree completely with the learned counsel. Bringing a product from one state into another may not be importation under federal law, but it certainly is importation under state law.


New member
What really doesn't make sense is your haphazard reference to what the story is in Maryland when this thread is about New York.
Respectfully you are misunderstanding the comment by ignoring the earlier post where I asserted that the details were significant. The location wasn’t the point, but the differing details were to illustrate how poor crafting can influence the outcome.

Lets remove the geography, & concentrate instead on the wording if that makes it clearer.

If the law says you can’t OWN, one you can’t. But it doesn’t actually outlaw possession, just ownership. You could, within the letter of the law have a LEO own it & loan it to you to use. On the other hand if it restricted possession you couldn’t because the possessing, regardless of ownership is the issue. To make it work you’d need to ban both ownership & possession.

Yet another approach is to ban the transference, while not prohibiting either ownership not possession once the transfer has occurred legally elsewhere.

One way it regulates THAT you have it, however acquired, the other regulates HOW you acquired it. I was only using MD as an example of the third variation.

Frank Ettin

wogpotter said:
...I was only using MD as an example of the third variation.
You can't discuss law that way. The issue is what New York law actually is. To understand New York law, one must look at New York. Looking at Maryland law doesn't help.
Frank Ettin said:
You can't discuss law that way. The issue is what New York law actually is. To understand New York law, one must look at New York. Looking at Maryland law doesn't help.

You seem to be forgetting Kirk's Third Law of the Internet: "If it's the law in Texas, it must be the law everywhere." I suppose as a corollary one simply substitutes the nomme du jour of one's own home state in place of Texas.


New member
Lets remove the geography, & concentrate instead on the wording if that makes it clearer.
I'm NOT "looking at MD law" that way, or any other for that matter. I'm comparing the wording of several different variations of "banning" something.

Frank Ettin

wogpotter said:
...I'm comparing the wording of several different variations of "banning" something.
Even if that is what you were doing how does that help anyone understand what New York law actually is?

So stop wasting our time and knock it off.