Number of hunters falls, worrying some


New member
Biggest issue, I feel, is land availability. Even in my state, I can see what used to be feilds and woods become subdivisions and shopping complexes.

As far as Schoenke, and AHSA, I'm surprised nobody else has noted that the group is a scam. They're backed by the old HCI gungrabbers. A wolf in sheeps clothing....and some of the sheep are falling for it.


Bottom Gun, yes, a lone wolf is dangerous, a wolf pack is not. A lone wolf may be more desperate and hungry, and besides, if they're driven out of the pack, it's often for some serious transgression that would be the equivalent of a criminal in our society. Like stealing food from the pups. So you're already dealing with a problem individual.

They're fascinating to read about...actual wildlife study materials, mind you, not the new-agey fluff. They're still animals, but rather intelligent ones, and wolf packs aren't going to bother human suburbs. They prefer to hunt and run down big game, do their thing weeding out the sick and weak among the deer and all. Which is good for everyone...drivers who run into less deer, and hunters who don't need to worry about wasting disease in the venison!


New member
Csspecs feels he can enjoy shooting without hunting, and he can; but, I don't think shooting and hunting are the same. To me shooting is the part of hunting where the 'kill' is made. Hunting is the 'chase' and locating the prey to shoot. They're interconnected but not the same.

I shoot at the local trap club and pistol range but it's not at all like hunting and a completly different sport and gives a 'different satisfation' than that I can get from hunting.