NRA ticked me off today


New member
Ar15 shooter: Return to sender would have been nice but I have kids. My kids get videos in the mail. They thought the NRA video was theirs (getting a picture). They opened it and when they found it wasn't Johnny Neutron or Power Puff girls they put it on dad's dresser. I never read any accompanying letter saying send it back. Really the bottom line is I rarely read any promotional giveaways, solicitations, or general junk mail. I never expect to get anything in the mail I don't request or pay for up front. The marketing strategy employed here was straight out of book/CD of the month sleaze. I'm not going to cancel 15+ years of membership over it but I have written the NRA and made it very clear how I feel. I think I'll write back and invite Wayne over to my house for dinner. When we are done......I'll ask him to pay for everyone's meal or "send it back":barf: :D

Jason Demond

New member
Come to think of it, I haven't received anything like that from the NRA in a long time. My magazine came a week or so ago, but that's it.


New member
Got a solicitation to join the NRA today - funny, because I already belong.

STRANGELY, this arrived on the same day as my CRPA membership card.

I watched the tape, then sent it back. C'mon, we're in the era of DVDs. As for the coin, maybe it'll be melted down for something.


New member
Need advice!

O.k, which of these organizations better serves us as a whole?
Now I read about the NRA,GOA and the JPFO.
The last 1 I had to look up not familar with that org.
I am a member of the Indiana Highpower shooters Assoc, which is local and stands for the same beliefs as the NRA.And belong with the NRCC,Gun Owners of the National Republican Congressional Committee.
I just don't want my 2nd ammendment rights abused like the ever changing rights of California citizens.
So which one of these Org's has stood firm and seems solid in leadership and membership?


New member
i had a similar experience with the whitetail deer tape. i decided to watch it at deer camp this year. know what was on the tape. nothing but snowy static. what a crooked scam.

i also wonder where my copy of the shooters bible is after rejoining and kicking in a little extra last year. have yet to see it or even that heston bullet others have mentioned. it seems like i just get more junk mail nowadays.