NRA ticked me off today


New member
I recieved a box from the NRA today. It said I had a free gift inside. Inside the box is a bronze coin and a VCR tape of 10 guns that changed the world. Well, I had just reupped for the 20th year in a row so I thought it may have something to do with that. That was until I read the letter enclosed. The coin is the free gift, they want me to send them $9 for the tape. If I accept this offer I will recieve another tape in the mail every 2-3 months that I can purchace at the special member price. Reminds me of some sleazy mail order music deal. Now I give the NRA as much as I can when I can, not always what they ask for, but I always try to put something in the plate. And I can't forsee myself tearing up my membership card anytime in the future. But this just has a bad feel to it. Or maybe I'm just being oversensitive today, haven't had that much sleep.


New member
They seem to be using this tactic more and more frequently of late. All NRA members I know think it is underhanded and more than a couple have decided not to renew their membership next time. Bad enough getting endless junk mail, but mailing something and then demanding payment is poor business.


New member
Check your Federal Laws and you will find that ANYTHING sent to you through the mails that was not ordered by you, is yours to keep.
Check your paper work and see if you had signed for such an offer for a tape series, either by hook or crook.
North American Hunting Club pulled a similar scheme with me a few years ago. They sent me a book on Whitetail Deer. It wasn't very impressive so I didn't sign up to get more books but kept the Whitetail book as my "free gift" just like the sales pitch said.

Never heard another word on the matter until my resubscription date came and went (I didn't rejoin the organization). A few months after it became clear that I wasn't interested in another year as a NAHC member, I get these mass mailings demanding payment for the whitetail book. Every day for a month it seemed like there was a new "collection demand" from these guys. By then I couldn't find the book and wasn't about to send them any money for a book I didn't even like (much less order). So I sent them nothing and the letters finally stopped.

So it shall be with this NRA scam. I will send them nothing. My guess is they'll stop sending videotapes.


Gila Jorge

New member
Texas law is very similar: if it was unsolicited
that is "you did NOT order it" then no payment is due. This law was implemented come time ago when the encyclopedia folks were shipping world booms that were NOT ordered and dunning folks for payment. NRA is fast becoming a sleezy pain in the ass. Wonder just who they are working for anyways!?


New member
If Charlton Heston sent me a copy of "Omega Man", I'd kick in nine bucks! Maybe $50 if it was signed.

"Soylent Green" would be good for about $5.00.


New member
I got a similar offer in the mail, and called them and complained.

They said the tape was free too, not to send it back, and not to send payment.


New member
I agree, keep the tape. I had a similar experience (and still am) with the NAHC. Hey, if they want to send me a couple hundred dollars worth of fine hunting and shooting books for free, thats their choice. :cool: :D

Bam Bam

New member
I paid the $9 (or whatever) and included a letter emphatically stating 'No More'! My guess is that this distasteful method of raising money was implemented by farming out the fundraising to some third-party.


I kept the first video and the coin and paid them the $9 but told them that if they sent me any more they were mine for free.

They didn't send me any more.


Do you have money in your pocket? in your bank account? in your checking account? If you answer yes to any of these the problem is Wayne LaPierre and his band of beltbay bandits need that money in their pockets - and given their recent tactics it's obvious they need it more than you do. Sit down now, calculate what your total assets are and immediately write Wayne a check for that amount. You'll feel better knowing that finally you've done all that you can to enable the NRA to negotiate more of your gun rights away.


New member
I recieved the first tape with the coin The letter with it said something like "I know that you did not order this tape so you are not obligated to buy it or send it back" . Well I can't stand to get anthing that I did not order and I don't have the time to mess around with sending it back. I don't even know where the tape is. I didn't even view it but, I have gotten two letters asking me for my payment or the tape back. What a bunch of B.S.! You know that the NRA keeps sending me letters to renew my membership. It's not up for 5 months. Seems that I could save them money by doing it now? I know when it is up and I will do it then . I am sure that I am not the only person that this happens to. Maybe they could stop wasting the money, paper and man power it takes to do this??? Maybe it's just me?



New member
I'm glad you reminded me of why I'm not a member of the NAHC anymore. My wife recently resigned me up without asking. I told her I had belonged in the past and they were a lousy organization. I told her she could get our money back. I couldn't remember why but now I remember that whitetail deer book. The NRA pissed me off as well with their little stunt. The funny thing is, they were selective with who they mailed to. I've been a member for about 15 years (probably received 80 notices to reup my membership during that time). I give to the ILA occaisionally. I have a buddy who was born a life member, never gives anything else, and never got the tape. I started getting the "where's our money" notices and caved because I didn't want the hassle. I wish now I hadn't. I will be sending GOA my yearly NRA contribution if it happens again. Are you following the boards NRA? Wayne? NEVER AGAIN!:mad:


Member In Memoriam
NRA Lifer & got The Tape. = Disgusted.

Wrote 'em back distilling their shoddy "telemarketing" to no avail to date. :(

Right up there with (worse than) the Home Shopping Network.

Rest o' my money goes to GOA or JPFO - & a couple others.
I called the NRA a while back, and asked them to stop sending me all the solicitations.

The member services representative asked if I wanted the mail from them "reduced" or "eliminated".

I asked that they send only the magazine, and to eliminate all other mail.

It took a few weeks, but now I receive only the magazine from the NRA.


New member
I agree that sending this tape was a poor decision and I too get tired with the "weekly" mailings asking for "more, more, more!" I would keep the tape in hopes that they lose money on this campaign and LEARN something!

I support the NRA because I think that they are the largest and most effective pro Second A lobbyists and that is more important to me than the things they do that I don't like! I just don't see the other orgs as carrying enough "weight" with congressmen and the like. What I really can't fathom are the whiners who DO NOTHING, belong to NO gun rights groups, etc. They are just cheap, selfish, buttholes who use the "I don't like the tactics" argument for an excuse to be "frugal!" I wonder if these people ever have so much as made a charitable contribution yet alone contribute any time or money to a group that fights for our rights!


New member
I followed directions and put the tape back in the mail. From what I've seen, this type of fund-raising won't work over the long haul and just feeds animosity.

Idaho Mike

New member
The NRA continues to be our best protection against the grabbers, but WHY they thought this kind of unsolicited promotion was a good idea is a mystery.
With record membership levels, they surely don't need to stoop to such measures to get a few more bucks. I sent the stuff back. And the last thing I need is some dust-collecting "commemorative coin."
The little snot at the NRA who dreamed up this scheme should be working at Burger King next week.


New member
Anyone ever heard of "Return to Sender" . I do it all the time wiht Columbia House CDs they send that Ididnt order. I think you guys are making a big deal out of something harmless. Send it back if you dont want it. I get mail all the time I dont want, I A. throw it away or B. Send it back. No big deal. The NRA is just trying to make money to support our rights, keep that in mind.