NRA statement on Biden meeting


New member
Next campaign commercials....."Bob Soandso had the guts to take on the NRA, while his opponent to a back seat to your safety."

I'll be willing to bet that it'll be worded almost like that.

See you in 2014 and 2016


New member
How about "Bob Soandso stands up to those that attept to take away your freedom and defends your constitutional rights.

Frankly rickyrick, it seems like you've already given up on the 2A. Seems you do not cherish your freedom as much as some of us do.


New member
Nope not, not much more I can do. My rights fate rests with the rest of the country.
My reps are pro gun, my governor is pro gun. I am in the NRA. I did everything I could do to put a republican in the White House, to no avail. If I loose my rights it's due to others.
the NRA agreed to meet so that when they oppose the inevitable call for gun control they can't be accused of being too obstinate to even sit down with the Administration
My understanding is that they barely took the time to sit down. The NRA was there to hear what Biden had to say, and having done that, they threw down the gauntlet.

They are taking a harder line than they did in 1993, and I'm glad to see it happening.


New member
kilimanjaro: I agree with you, we are not beat, they thow this out to see what the response will be. Write your repersentives keep on them!


New member
My understanding is that they barely took the time to sit down. The NRA was there to hear what Biden had to say, and having done that, they threw down the gauntlet.

They are taking a harder line than they did in 1993, and I'm glad to see it happening.

yep I agree. I think in 93 they did not realize how much grass-roots power they had, but in the 94 elections, they found out.

Politicians respond to 3 things (1) their principles, and don't laugh. There are actually very few politicians who have no agenda at all, most have some core principles they try to uphold. (2) the carrot, meaning campaign contribution, campaign volunteers, and favorable publicity. The NRA can provide this, especially with the voting guides and ratings. (3) The stick, which is angry voters. The NRA is the most effective lobbying organization today because it wields a very effective stick. The NRA can motivate/rally negative angry voters in a highly effective way. In truth, we motivate ourselves, but the politicians see it as the NRA.

I am really glad they are hanging tough. I think the only legislation that stands even a remote chance of passing is a ban on future sales of large magazines. I suppose that requiring all private sales to go through an NICS check is also possible.


New member
I guess my real issue is with those law abiding gun owners who refuse to join the NRA. I've heard all of the excuses people seem to have for not joining, and as far as I'm concerned, none are valid. The NRA is still our strongest presence in Washington, and now, more than at any other time in our history, is the time to cast aside petty objections and join up.

the NRA has a very bad habit of pandering to conservatives and when talk of gun ownership becomes as divisive as it has it becomes a real turn off for for non-conservatives. there's the video floating around of that guy who owns some tactical firearms company spouting off insane threats about the the AWB. I mean, the guy said he'd start killing people if an AWB was passed into law. then of course, people who open their big mouths like chickenhawk Ted Nugent do nothing but alienate gun owners out there who don't think like he does. if that's not a good enough reason to not support the NRA I don't know what is.
there's the video floating around of that guy who owns some tactical firearms company spouting off insane threats about the the AWB.
I fail to see a connection to the NRA there. While many of us have had our differences with them, there is no other organization with the clout and experience to fight this.


New member
the NRA has a very bad habit of pandering to conservatives and when talk of gun ownership becomes as divisive as it has it becomes a real turn off for for non-conservatives.

The NRA is a special interest organization and that interest is protection of Second Amendment rights. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that Democrats are typically less friendly to the Second Amendment than Republicans are. There are, of course, exceptions and the NRA is more than willing to support pro-gun Democrats and oppose anti-gun Republicans. For example, until his recent change of heart on gun control, the NRA supported Sentator Harry Reid and he can be described as anything but conservative. Likewise, the NRA opposed former Senator Richard Lugar due to his poor record on gun control. In my experience, when two competing politicians have equally positive stances on 2A the NRA will usually support the incubent because of a more extensive record.

Now, individual members of the NRA such as Ted Nugent or Hank Williams Jr. may hold and vocalize conservative beliefs beyond 2A issues, but those positions are their own rather than representative of the NRA as a whole. On issues that do not affect gun rights, the NRA is almost always silent as such issues are beyond the scope of their mission.

If you feel that the NRA is too conservative, why not try to change it from within rather than simply writing them off? NRA life members vote to elect the board of directors and, if you're a life member, you can vote against anyone who you feel is too conservative or overstepping the mission of the organization. Likewise, if you want more NRA support for non-conservative politicians, perhaps you should write said politicians and try to convince them to support gun rights. I assure you that any politician who supports gun rights has little to fear from the NRA regardless of positions on other issues.


New member

Conservative vs liberal is inapplicable to the NRA except where gun rights and Constitutional interpretation with regard to gun rights come into play.

And, it is easier to effect change as a player than as a sidelines sniper.


New member
This fight has nothing to do with the NRA being left or right, or soft, hard, whatever. This is about the 2nd Amendment itself, this is existential. Do we want our rights, or not? Whatever issues some may have with the NRA, junk mail, politics, it means nothing compared to liberty itself. The rest we can work out later, but for now, we need to deluge our congress with our opinions, and demand our liberty.


New member

If you feel that the NRA is too conservative, why not try to change it from within rather than simply writing them off? NRA life members vote to elect the board of directors and, if you're a life member, you can vote against anyone who you feel is too conservative or overstepping the mission of the organization.

I'm a life member and have been for four years. Do I have to request these rights? I do believe you; I just didn't know this. thank you. Also, I am a disabled vet so I got the life membership at a lower orice and it is sometimes referred to as something else...maybe that's why?


New member
If you feel that the NRA is too conservative, why not try to change it from within rather than simply writing them off? NRA life members vote to elect the board of directors and, if you're a life member, you can vote against anyone who you feel is too conservative or overstepping the mission of the organization.

I'm a life member and have been for four years. Do I have to request these rights? I do believe you; I just didn't know this. thank you. Also, I am a disabled vet so I got the life membership at a lower orice and it is sometimes referred to as something else...maybe that's why?

I'm not sure of the exact process as I'm not myself a life member (I maintain a regular membership). I'm sure that a call or email to the NRA would clear up and questions or concerns that you may have.


New member
kilimanjaro said:
This fight has nothing to do with the NRA being left or right, or soft, hard, whatever. This is about the 2nd Amendment itself, this is existential. Do we want our rights, or not? Whatever issues some may have with the NRA, junk mail, politics, it means nothing compared to liberty itself. The rest we can work out later, but for now, we need to deluge our congress with our opinions, and demand our liberty.
