NRA statement on Biden meeting


New member
Mods, I have posted this quoted email in a couple related threads, but since I keep seeing the questions, "What is the NRA doing?" and "Where is the NRA?" I thought this might need its own thread.

I received this from NRA-ILA last night:

Statement From the NRA Regarding Today's
White House Task Force Meeting

Fairfax, Va. – The National Rifle Association of America is made up of over 4 million moms and dads, daughters and sons, who are involved in the national conversation about how to prevent a tragedy like Newtown from ever happening again. We attended today's White House meeting to discuss how to keep our children safe and were prepared to have a meaningful conversation about school safety, mental health issues, the marketing of violence to our kids and the collapse of federal prosecutions of violent criminals.

We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment. While claiming that no policy proposals would be “prejudged,” this Task Force spent most of its time on proposed restrictions on lawful firearms owners - honest, taxpaying, hardworking Americans. It is unfortunate that this Administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation's most pressing problems. We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen. Instead, we will now take our commitment and meaningful contributions to members of congress of both parties who are interested in having an honest conversation about what works - and what does not.


New member
It read well but is preaching to the choir. If I learned one thing the last election it was the U.S. is no longer the center/right country it was a few short years ago. Something may get passed, may not. What I do or think makes zero difference.


New member
Whatever gets my politicians elected and re elected is what's going to prevail. Nothing I can do to will be effective to influence politicians of others. Not anymore than I can change politicians in England


New member
rickyrick, your reps are notoriously friendly. Story City Iowa is historically anti-gun (except shotguns and black powder; my in-laws are originally from Story County). L Kilkenny is actually in a place where his lobbying could help. But, as long as he believes he can't make a difference, then he can't.


New member
So - Obama told the NRA the same thing as he's been telling the public.

"More gun control is a done deal, one way or another."

You can tell that just by litening to him that he's made up his mind already he's going to implement some kind of gun control. All he's trying to do at this point is send out feelers as to how broad it's going to be.

I'd bet each side went into that meeting knowing exactly how it was going to go.
The message I'm taking from that is that the NRA isn't playing ball, and they're not going to be negotiating. I'm good with that.

Things were very different in 1993. We have a real chance at beating this whole thing.

That is, if people get off the sidelines and get involved.


New member
Ive sent letters too my congressional reps. I'm in Florida though, so I am not sure if it will help as much. What if we all bug our state reps to pass something similar to what Wyoming has passed? Something stating no additional laws will be enforced.


New member
Re the double-talk one sees/hears from Obama et al, the following leaves me curious.

They seem to have a plethora of time and energy to go on and on over and about the fairytale that is gun control, which has yet to deliver, anywhere, on it's promises.

All the while, re the criminality of The Financial Sector, 14 U.S. banks admitted illegalities re their home mortgage operations earlier this week. In addition, within the last couple of weeks, UBS pled guilty to a felony charge, regarding it's "cooking the books" at LIBOR (London Iterbank rates). earlier on, other U.S. banks admitted doing the same thing.

There has been, from the Obama DOJ, nothing in the way of criminal prosecutions of the responsible parties, the highest levels of management at the involved banks.

As noted though Obama et al have oodles of time and energy to waste on the fairytale that is Gun Control. Funny isn't it?


New member
I saw on my local news tonight that the NRA membership has increased by 100,000 in the last 20 days and is expected to increase from 4.5 million to 5 million.

I emailed and wrote letters to my congressmen and representatives even though they have been pro gun in the past.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." If you want to loose your right to bear arms then by all means do nothing.

Instead of spending all you money on overpriced guns and bullets consider making a contribution to the NRA. Send a note with it that you want every penny to go toward fighting the current anti gun conglomerate.


New member
I'm reading between the lines and seeing NICS checks to expand to gun shows, and maybe a ban on large magazines, but not much else. We can beat this, and they know it. Get in touch with your Senator and Representative now, and every day this month. Make sure they know what will happen to them come the next election. Don't kid yourself, this is still a center-right country, provided we all go to the polls.

Nickel Plated

New member
Send a note with it that you want every penny to go toward fighting the current anti gun conglomerate.

Then don't send it to the NRA. You can write all the notes you want, they still won't be able to use the money for legislative action. The NRA-ILA is where it belongs.

Single Six

New member
I guess my real issue is with those law abiding gun owners who refuse to join the NRA. I've heard all of the excuses people seem to have for not joining, and as far as I'm concerned, none are valid. The NRA is still our strongest presence in Washington, and now, more than at any other time in our history, is the time to cast aside petty objections and join up.


New member
As noted though Obama et al have oodles of time and energy to waste on the fairytale that is Gun Control. Funny isn't it?
It's a diversion.
Politicians are like roaches. They like to operate in the dark.
As long a the public "light" is shining on gun control, they can work their dirty deeds w/out fear of being noticed.

For instance - where do you think all the attention will be on Jan 22nd?

Gun control legislation or the testimony of the Secratary of State on Benghazi?


New member
The whole meeting was nothing more than political thatre at its peak. The Administration already knew going in that the NRA wasn't going to play ball, that's been abundantly clear since LaPierre's press conference on Dec. 21. Likewise, the NRA already knew that the Administration was going to support gun control as the President and most of his cabinet are already known to be gun control advocates. The Administration met with the NRA so that when they support gun control they can't be accused to shutting out the NRA entirely (even though that's exactly what they're doing) and the NRA agreed to meet so that when they oppose the inevitable call for gun control they can't be accused of being too obstinate to even sit down with the Administration (even though they already knew they weren't going to support the Administration's proposals). The whole meeting was nothing more than going through the motions since both sides already had their minds made up going in.
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Glenn E. Meyer

New member
That's my view. A quick bit of theatre setting up the issues to perform for each's base constituents. Then in 2014, the results can be used for fund raising.

The tightening up of actual mental health issue reporting for NICS is likely and not very controversial. NICS for private sales at shows might fly.


New member
For all you guys saying "there's nothing I can do" or "It's a done deal."

What I do or think makes zero difference.

Please just do us all a favor and give you firearms to those who will actually stand up for the 2A. If you are not going to stand up and be heard, then sit down and shut up while your freedoms are picked away.

my politicians are mostly pro gun, so really there's nothing that I could do.

You can contact them and make sure they stay that way!!

The fact is that our rights most likely will take another hit. But if we stand together and oppose as much as we can, we can save every little bit we can. And when this fight is done, we must stay active to defend against further attacks that will no doubt come in the future.