NRA & Iowa straw poll politics, photos....


New member
The standard procedure is for the campaign to purchase tickets, buses, entertainment, etc.
Any Iowan of legal age can participate if they have tickets. Heck, Romney was mailing 'em out :D I got one myself, which I promptly circular-filed.

The idea of people buying tickets instead of campaigns is pretty foreign to the Iowa straw poll, but that's what we did. We also made our own t-shirts, carpooled, and some of us slept overnight on the campaign grounds because we had nowhere in town to stay. So apologies if some of us managed to ruffle a few feathers. It's a very motivated group. ;)


New member
Correction: The Paul campaign spent a total of $50,000 total for the straw poll. The $200,000 figure I reported up-thread was the total for campaigning in Iowa. $38 per vote as opposed to $2,000 per vote for Romney.

The Paul campaign is now #2 for assets behind Giuliani.