NRA & Iowa straw poll politics, photos....


New member
There is nothing anywhere that compares to the Iowa Straw Poll. This is where political campaigns test the waters and their organizational skills. It's a carnival atmosphere where voters shop and give support to their favorite "horse".

NRA and local members were on hand to sell memberships and show 2nd Amendment support. (Had a good day selling memberships!) Response was overwhelming. Wayne LaPierre and former NRA President Kayne Robinson were on hand to speak to the crowd.

Headquarters motor home was provided by a very generous NRA member.




Several rows of satelite trucks and media from all over the country & international press.

All kinds of political messages were being peddled.

More to come.....


New member
Thanks for the photos. Too bad Rudy did not attend. I suspect he would not have had a very good showing. I wonder who will be the first to drop out of the race. Maybe Tommy Thompson?


New member
Early results are in.....

1st place......Romney 31.5%
2nd.............Huckabee 18.1 %
3rd..............Brownbeck 15%
4th..............Tancredo 13.7%


Too bad that whackjob Tancredo is ahead of Paul - doesn't make sense. I'm glad to see that ol' girl spells out her "robust" support for Mr. Paul. Cornfed Farmer's Daughters for Paul - I like it! :)

Pat H

11th John Cox: 41 votes
10th John McCain: 101 votes
9th Duncan Hunter: 174 votes
8th Rudy Giuliani: 183 votes
7th Fred Thompson: 203 votes
6th Tommy Thompson: 1039 votes
5th Ron Paul: 1305 votes
4th Tom Tancredo: 1961 votes
3rd Sam Brownback: 2192 votes
2nd Mike Huckabee: 2587 votes
1st Mitt Romney: 4516 votes


New member
Isn't it amazing how real life polls seem to completely differ from those "INTERNET POLLS" that the RP supporters like to brag on.


New member
Isn't it amazing how real life polls seem to completely differ from those "INTERNET POLLS" that the RP supporters like to brag on.

It looks like Fred Thompson didn't do much better. Actually, Ron Paul got more than six times as many votes as he did. :p

In any case, this poll was not fair. Romney was anointed winner by the corporate media. We can't even be sure that Romney did win because they used Diebold voting machines, the voting was overseen by a Romney supporter, and Romney was joking about cheating in the straw poll. We probably will never find out who really won this because the Iowa GOP establishment wants to charge the RP campaign over $150,000 for a manual recount.


New member
Isn't it amazing how real life polls seem to completely differ from those "INTERNET POLLS" that the RP supporters like to brag on.

I'm still trying to figure out why the Iowa Republican Party let one or two Ron Paul supporters vote 1300 times?


New member
No lost vote is ever fair. Thanks Dems, after 2000 we will never see a legit election again.

And before anyone starts with the 'but it was the court that decided in 2000" BS. Remember the facts. The SCOTUS didn't say Bush won, they said Floida didn't have to do a recount. Recounts got done ANYWAY and Bush did, in fact, win. So the SCOTUS didn't decide, Florida did.


New member
It looks like Fred Thompson didn't do much better. Actually, Ron Paul got more than six times as many votes as he did.

Fred is not a candidate at this time and skipped the Straw Poll. Can't you guys ever get your facts straight.


New member
It looks like Fred Thompson didn't do much better. Actually, Ron Paul got more than six times as many votes as he did.

Well, let's see. One of them is actually a candidate. With a campaign organization. Raising money. Spending money. Putting out a campaign mission. Going on talk shows to push their message. Basically running. The other is not.

It would be interesting to do a cost benefit calculation. Figure out exactly how much Ron Paul spent in Iowa. Then divide that be the number of votes. That would give you a "amount spent per vote." Then do the same with Thompson. But of course he spent Zero in the state so his ratio is going to look a LITTLE bit better!

Hey, I was hoping Ron Paul would do better myself. But let's wait until Thompson is actually a declared candidate before we start comparing their numbers!



New member
Rob308 said:
.....In any case, this poll was not fair. Romney was anointed winner by the corporate media. We can't even be sure that Romney did win because they used Diebold voting machines, the voting was overseen by a Romney supporter, and Romney was joking about cheating in the straw poll. We probably will never find out who really won this because the Iowa GOP establishment wants to charge the RP campaign over $150,000 for a manual recount.

Factually inaccurate.....many years ago there were problems with campaigns "importing" voters from other states to stack the results. The Iowa GOP put a stop to this by making voters produce their Iowa drivers licenses. These were scanned by the election officials before anyone was given a ballot. Needless to say a few campaigns were frustrated that their out of state armies couldn't vote. The voting is overseen by county election officials from all over the state.


New member
Fred is not a candidate at this time and skipped the Straw Poll. Can't you guys ever get your facts straight.
yet his name was on the ballot somehow and didnt draw much for votes just a very small fringe vote.

rudy and mccain didnt attend but there names were also on the ballots and they were campaigning as late as thursday and friday in Iowa after the debate the previous weekend so its not like they didnt spend any effort in Iowa.

Romney unless he got a ton of donations is probably close to being broke if not being 1 million dollars in debt.
Brownback cannot be doing much better neither spared expenses. Romney voters were all bought and paid for then bussed in then given ride in golf cart by a massive paid staff. he had to have a paid staff go around to shout and cheer to mimick the grass roots volunteer support Ron Paul had.

something odd though as the results are posted there were 26,000 tickets sold. only some 14,000-15,000 votes cast.
26,000 is probably accurate for people that showed. could be the no votes were people from out of state that cant vote.

was some horribly misguided Romney supporters at the NRA booth total contradiction after Romneys speech seemed to be a number of unhappy people in Romney shirts that had already voted and regretted it.