Now this is too funny......


New member
Who's that smart-a** comedian with his own talk show dressed up as a semi-news show? Is it John Stewart? Anyway, he attacked Bush at every opportunity during the campaign. He had John Kerry on one night and the first thing he asked Kerry was, "How ya doin?" This was during the Tugboats for Truth (whatever) thing. He basically gave Kerry a 15 min. commercial.

Any network that continues to pay someone for that drivel is biased. You asked for examples. I'm sure there's something wrong with this one too.


New member
Nancy Pelosi just committed Treason. Are they mentioning that? According to the constitution, international relations are the domain of the executive branch. The legislative is there to make law. What she did was subvert the efforts of the executive branch and the United States.

I'll bet the language they use to cover this story will paint the President as a grumpy old fart who wants to control everything. THey'll paint her as the tireless statesman and diplomat.
Who's that smart-a** comedian with his own talk show dressed up as a semi-news show? Is it John Stewart?
Ummm...that is a COMEDY show on Comedy central. You might not want to be getting your panties in such a knot over something like this and you should definately not confuse it with real news.
How often do they report on economic progress in Iraq? How often do they do a human interest piece on the number of hospitals that have been opened since we got there? How often do they talk about the fact that females can go to school and maybe vote there now?
I have seen many fluff pieces on Iraq in the general media. Unfortunately the bad outweighs the good in Iraq. Even here in America how often do you hear about a hospital or school opening? You sure do hear when someone blows one up or shoots one up on all networks...including FOX.
Nancy Pelosi just committed Treason. Are they mentioning that?
They have mentioned the Nancy Pelosi story every 15 minutes on CNN. The reason they have not said she has "committed treason" is because that is an absurd farce.


Nancy Pelosi just committed Treason.

Oh please! Though I am no fan of that power-happy witch, she was briefed by the Whitehouse (reluctantly) before her trip. If you're going to accuse her of something make it real, or you lose your credibility.


New member
We all know that bias exists in the media. Let's assume for a moment that those on the left really don't see the bias. Just to help boost ratings with the 50% conservatives in the country don't you think that the big 3 would once, just once, put someone at the top of their news department who doesn't have unimpeachable ties to the Democrat party? Why would it be so important to these networks to always have liberals at the top?

I defy someone to point to an example of Conservative bias on "Special report" with Britt Hume. This is after all Fox's true news program equivalent to the Evening news. Most of the rest of the programming is defined by the network as Political commentary. Bill O'reilly is who he is. He isn't hiding who he is then expressing his bias and viewpoint through inflection, punctuation and innuendos.

Alan Combs routinely interviews leaders of the Democrat party one on one. O'Reilly has interviewed many high profile Democrats many more than once. Whats more he invites ALL of the high profile Democrats onto his show for 1 on 1 discussion. Hannity is a little loud for my taste. Frankly I think Gretta, Brian (On the morning show) are Democrats. Geraldo Rivera isn't really known for his Republican bent is he?

I know that those who refuse to acknowledge a liberal bias in the 3 news national bureaus yet find bias with FOX are only kidding themselves. Bernie Goldburg's books must be true or he would have been sued for slander.
Maybe I misread the Logan Act.
Or maybe you misinterpeted either it or the circumstances of this visit.
More likely you did not interpet it at all but instead just believed the misleading statement of some far right talking head.


New member
I'm sensing hostility. I didn't mean to incite it. Sorry. I'll admit I'm pretty conservative. Anybody willing to admit they're liberal?

Any conservative reporting would certainly seem "fair and balanced" to me.
I can't help but wonder what seems "fair and balanced" to a person with a liberal cant.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
pipoman, you beat me to it!

For those of you that missed it, Bias by Bernie Goldberg is an excellent source on the bias of the major networks (including FOX). Amazon is still selling it here.


New member
I'm sensing hostility. I didn't mean to incite it. Sorry. I'll admit I'm pretty conservative. Anybody willing to admit they're liberal?

Any conservative reporting would certainly seem "fair and balanced" to me.
I can't help but wonder what seems "fair and balanced" to a person with a liberal cant.

I'll admit I'm liberal. Then again, that's no secret.

As for "fair and balanced," I don't think any of the news networks manage it. Most do lean left, and FOX definitely leans right. FOX does seem to lean farther right than the average network leans left, but then again the problem there is what we define as "center." It's not like there's any sort of scientific definition on that one. But the fact that I see both "sides" (FOX and the other networks) as being biased tells me that I'm probably closer to center than some here.

I will say this: when I see a sandwich called the "Big n' Tasty" at McDonald's, I feel confident that it isn't. And when I see a news station who's slogan is "Fair and Balanced"....well, yeah. If you have to say it, it probably isn't.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
JuanCarlos said:
But the fact that I see both "sides" (FOX and the other networks) as being biased tells me that I'm probably closer to center than some here.
Uh, friend? I'm a centrist and you are left of me! :eek:

Oh, wait a minute. You said closer to center! Nevermind.... :D
I am very liberal on some things.

On other things I am so far to the right that I cannot even see the center.

The only issues I am really center on are ones that i have either not made up my mind on or just don't give a rat's booty about.


I am very liberal on some things.

On other things I am so far to the right

Are you saying that the right says your wrong and the left says your right?
Or is it the left says your wrong and the right says your left?
I forget
Are you saying that the right says your wrong and the left says your right?
Or is it the left says your wrong and the right says your left?
I forget
I have always figured that if I can manage to piss off everyone about half the time then I have found a pretty good balance.

If I was to ever agree 100% with any of the talking heads on either side of the issues I would think somethig was wrong.

My biggest problems with some people are not there beliefs but how they chose to try and promote them.
Media bias? Google "Operation Mockingbird". says alot when even Wikopedia feels the need to preface an entry with a notice that the information in the listing is not properly documented nor confirmed.


Moderator says alot when even Wikopedia feels the need to preface an entry with a notice that the information in the listing is not properly documented nor confirmed.

Yeah, that was my reaction until I started reading. The Church committee put it before Congress in 1975. Like a lot of (most?) things the CIA is involved in, it's hard to prove or disprove. Guess I'll just go back to sleep. Baaa...
Church Committee Investigations
Further details of Operation Mockingbird was revealed as a result of the Frank Church investigations (Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities) in 1975. According to the Congress report published in 1976:

"The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets."
Church argued that the cost of misinforming the world cost American taxpayers an estimated $265 million a year. (23)

In February, 1976, George H. W. Bush, the recently appointed Director of the CIA announced a new policy: "Effective immediately, the CIA will not enter into any paid or contract relationship with any full-time or part-time news correspondent accredited by any U.S. news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or station." However, he added that the CIA would continue to "welcome" the voluntary, unpaid cooperation of journalists. (24)

Yeah, that was my reaction until I started reading. The Church committee put it before Congress in 1975. Like a lot of (most?) things the CIA is involved in, it's hard to prove or disprove. Guess I'll just go back to sleep. Baaa...
Or you could take off the tinfoil hat and realize that every radical story people fabricate about the CIA or FBI always use the "they destroyed all evidence" story to cover up the lack of facts. :)