Now this is too funny......


New member
Sen. Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record) will not participate in a Democratic presidential debate this fall co-hosted by Fox News Channel, making him the second candidate to snub the cable network.

Obama's decision comes three days after former Sen. John Edwards, another Democratic presidential candidate, announced he was pulling out of the Fox-sponsored debate.

Democrats have been under pressure from liberal activists to avoid Fox-hosted debates....Democratic critics complain that the network displays a conservative bias in its news broadcasts.

Does this mean that all conservative candidates should skip debates on ABC, CBS and NBC because the networks display a liberal bias ???
I am afraid I just don't buy into the whole "liberal media" thing. Neither NBC, CBS, nor ABC has stated an agenda to promote the liberal viewpoint. FOX on the other hand has plainly stated that they were created to present a biased opinion.


New member
I am afraid I just don't buy into the whole "liberal media" thing. Neither NBC, CBS, nor ABC has stated an agenda to promote the liberal viewpoint. FOX on the other hand has plainly stated that they were created to present a biased opinion.

Also, I'm pretty sure (though I could be wrong) that the other networks present a more varied viewpoint, not just a solely liberal one. The overall bias may be liberal, but I'm pretty sure that all the major networks also have conservative personalities on hand, and I can think of at least one (Scarborough) who has his own 1-hour show.

FOX, on the other hand, seems to range from fairly conservative to ultra-conservative.



You guys crack me up. Like the networks aren't liberal biased, your both far to smart for me to swallow you mean that. Seems to me Fox is more like they say " fair and balanced" and " you decide" but yes they lean Conservative.
I have seen the same story on Fox and then MSNBC same story but was presented and worded so differently it had a almost completely different meaning or view. One in particular was something Bush did or said and we all know in many circles he is hated.
BTW I despise agendas in the news I want the truth whole truth and nothing but the truth. Unfortunately we don't get that or ever will as people report the news and we all seethings different. Ever been at an event and then read the reporters view? I have a couple of times and in both occasions what i saw was different that what was reported. One was a riot and one was a helicopter crash that killed 3 people. So no politics but different views.

If you "truely" don't think the networks are biased I give up, lets not even debate that one.


New member
FOX, on the other hand, seems to range from fairly conservative to ultra-conservative.

Yep.....and ABC, CBS, and NBC range from fairly liberal to bleeding-heart-liberal. Can you spell Brokaw, Cooper, Couric, Jennings, Gumbel .....and on, and on, and on.
Yep.....and ABC, CBS, and NBC range from fairly liberal to bleeding-heart-liberal. IMO
I am willing to listen to information that would back up this opinion. Show some examples of where ABC, CBS, or NBC have shown a strong liberal bias.


New member
Yep.....and ABC, CBS, and NBC range from fairly liberal to bleeding-heart-liberal. Can you spell Brokaw, Cooper, Couric, Jennings, Gumbel .....and on, and on, and on.

Can you spell Stossel? Or Scarborough? And those are just two off the top of my head that I've personally watched...I imagine between those three "main" networks, as well as MSNBC, there have to be a few others.

I'm not denying that any one of the three (and the three as a whole) don't have an overall liberal bias. Just that A) it's not as strong as is often claimed and B) their overall "range" is greater, and actually ventures into conservative territory.


New member
Just because the "Big 3" deny their bias doesn't make them unbiased. Case in point would be Katie Couric's replacement of Dan Blather. Why would CBS choose to place the most outspoken Liberals at the head of their news agencies. They don't even attempt to hide their bias, they just deny it. This is yet another example of Liberal's fear of their own positions. It is the same group claiming FOX corrupt to the core who in another thread were stating the fair and balanced nature of the "Real Time" program. The show which always has a mixed panel of 3 liberals and one conservative. The show which invites Conservatives to be interviewed then, when the Conservative isn't there to defend their position, discuss the perceived flaws in Conservative's position. I say ignore those who get their news from FOX at your own detriment.

Furthermore anyone who claims FOX doesn't allow Liberal ideas, or have liberal commentators simply have not watched FOX. The network is no more Conservative then the "Big 3" are Liberal.
Are you blind?
No, I am not. And since I not seeing that strong liberal bias that some people like to say exists I am either missing something or other people are believing what the conservative talking heads are telling them without any true supporting evidence. One of the tool sof the extreme right and left has always been to try and discredit the middle. Because if you can make the middle look like the right or the left then your position does not seem so extreme.


New member
Well just off the top of my head Alan Combs, and Juan Williams come to mind, oh and Mara Liasson is on regularly. Nearly every segment on FOX includes a Liberal contributor who usually isn't outnumbered and screamed into silence.

Again I ask why would a network claiming not to be politically biased choose to put the most politically divisive people at the tops of their news machines? Do I need to name the heads of the networks and their bios? I will if needed. Just in sitting here I am thinking of George Stefanopolis (sp) and Couric. I know the rest are similar.


Pipoman You're right on target !

You hit the nail on the head, and the heads of the always popping up Doubting Thomases. FOX is continually inviting liberals to discuss subjects throuout the day and evening and has a couple of rather liberal commentators to boot. Name them? I look the other way or hit the mute button. Mr. Poppingjay himself, Mr. O'Reilley is my favorite and even though a little hard on liberals, not as hard as some of us.
As far as FOX inviting liberals...when have you ever seen it be a fair match on FOX. They always have a conservative host, a conservative guest and then an obscure poor liberal choice of a guest.

I am still waiting to hear examples of a liberal bias. Just naming a news person that are themselves liberal is not showing a liberal bias to a story presented as news.


Yep.....and ABC, CBS, and NBC range from fairly liberal to bleeding-heart-liberal. Can you spell Brokaw, Cooper, Couric, Jennings, Gumbel .....and on, and on, and on.

Don't forget Andy Rooney and the rest of the 60 minute libs.And that goofball Charles Gibson. And abc has that fat loser Rosie O fatso on that liberal rag The View. Naw no bias there at all . Come on these guys are dyed in the wool liberals
I gotta go with Sasquatch on this one.


New member
I'll chime in. Just off the top of my head:

None of the big three said diddly when Clinton fired 93 U.S. attorneys. They screamed bloody murder when Bush fired, what, 8? These guys serve at the President's discretion. He can fire them for having foul breath.


New member
O.K, while I'm here:
Dan Rather accepted false information and reported it as true - without checking any of it. What was that story? Would he do the same thing to Hilary? Give me a break.

He also ambushed George Bush Sr. during his presidential campaign with questions about something Bush knew nothing about.
None of the big three said diddly when Clinton fired 93 U.S. attorneys. They screamed bloody murder when Bush fired, what, 8? These guys serve at the President's discretion. He can fire them for having foul breath.
Bad example...when Clinton fired the 93 attorneys the media did cover the grumbling on the other side of the isle just as they did when Bush fired all 93 when he came into office. Clinton did not fire his own appointees after they showed disloyalty and prosecuted democratic politicians and then lie to congress about his reasons like Bush's administration did so this is comparing apples to oranges.


New member
How often do they report on economic progress in Iraq? How often do they do a human interest piece on the number of hospitals that have been opened since we got there? How often do they talk about the fact that females can go to school and maybe vote there now?

They sure go out of their way telling us about the President's approval rating!
They sure like to give numbers of American and civilian dead.


New member
Didn't 60 Minutes do a piece about the .50BMG once? I didn't see it, but I think someone here might remember it.