Now Firearm Tragedies Aren't a Matter of 'Bad Things Just Happen'


New member
my 3 year old nephew would make short work of a 15 pound trigger pull. We choose, instead, to store our firearms responsibly, and teach the kids commensurate with their ability.

BTW, doesn't this require human intervention each time the pin is broken ? Like, a trigger lock ? Same single point of failure.

Also, can you imagine the liability once one of these things gums up someone's self defense shooting, costing them their life ?

This idea is flat-out dangerous in so many ways.
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New member
This is the caption on one of the pictures on their page:
This little gun has a five pound trigger pull that is a long pull. $400 list and it does not have a safety of any kind. A child could easily pull it from mommy’s handbag and shoot.

What should be happening is that mommy keeps better track of her handbag, and especially the firearm within it, as well as teaching the child about firearms and the ONE rule all children should be taught about firearms: If you see a gun, don't touch it and tell an adult.

...but that's just how we handle things at my house.


New member
It has been said, "create a system that even an idiot can use, and only an idiot will ". You make the call.:)


New member
The Delta Force SGT in Blackhawk Down said it best. As he waved his trigger finger "This is my safety."

Most accidental discharges involve "HEADSPACE PROBLEMS" Human not mechanical.


Bad things DO happen. It's up to you to make sure they don't happen to YOU (and yours).

Putting more fiddly bits on a gun won't make it safer than one carried or strored properly by a responsible person.

You can't "idiot proof" anything, because idiots are relentless.


New member
This great gun guru does not appear to be up to speed on firearms law.

From the Services pages on the company website:

Do not attempt to ship complete gun, the barrel and slide must be removed! The USPO will accept frames only and mailed as parts only, packed in their small flat rate box. Be sure to insure package.

Compare that to the information from the BATFE:

Q: May a nonlicensee ship a firearm through the U.S. Postal Service?
A nonlicensee may not transfer a firearm to a non-licensed resident of another State. A nonlicensee may mail a shotgun or rifle to a resident of his or her own State or to a licensee in any State. The Postal Service recommends that long guns be sent by registered mail and that no marking of any kind which would indicate the nature of the contents be placed on the outside of any parcel containing firearms. Handguns are not mailable. A common or contract carrier must be used to ship a handgun.

[18 U.S.C. 1715, 922(a)(3), 922(a)(5) and 922 (a)(2)(A)]