Norway - coming to the USA


New member
The interesting thing about the Pennsylvania election is that it will be on the ballot again this November, so the voters will be able to see how Lamb votes in the next eight months or so. The lesson I see from these elections is that the perceived quality of the candidate matters more than the party affiliation - bad candidates from either party will not fare well in an election.


New member
I believe we are at the tipping point; we may have already past that point and just haven't realized it yet.

Waiting on the Supreme court or a justice to retire is akin to expecting a visit from the Clearing House with a 4 foot long check at the door.

I was job hunting for a few weeks in 2018. I felt violated with all the probing and inquisitions into my past, present, public and personal information that is expected to be produced and scrubbed. Criminal background, credit check, drug check-
God forbid I would share an opinion, or political cartoon divulging my opinion on gun rights. Did I mention that I just started working for a company that is located in Mass?

All that to say, "I don't have a voice and we don't have a voice"
We have become the group who smokes cigarettes and others believe we are blowing smoke in their faces and children are dying to preserve our right to play with guns on week ends

NRA, SAF, and all the other acronyms and people who support the 2nd A. best pool their money and find a voice to carry the message. If we cannot communicate rational thoughts, reasons, rights or events that promote our beliefs to the public, then we have already lost.

Metal god

New member
I live in CA and I just bought a NRA hat to wear every day to promote discussion . I have several shirts that display in one way or another a pro 2nd amendment stance . I have been approached several times when in public about said shirts . Maybe 50/50 for and against which surprises me a bit based on where I live . I figure the letters NRA will get more notice then a shirt you actually have to read or a least pay close attention to know what it says . NRA on my forehead is going to be a little harder to miss and I hope to help other understand what the NRA does . At least from my prospective .

Donate and call your reps , I'm still waiting on Dianne Feinsteines reply to my reply .


New member
I am not so concerned about the federal level, my main issue is the STATE level gun control. IMO, that is where the real battle is. Lack of federal gun control in terms of assault weapons bans, magazine capacity limitations, universal background checks, meaningless if all or most of the states have them individually. And one of the tactics being utilized is to put these things to ballot votes. In states with large urban populations, use of the ballot vote is a way to subject issues that should be put through a legislature to a straight up popular vote that will be dominated by urban anti-gun people.

We already have Oregon likely going to ban "Assault Weapons" this year in a ballot vote if they get enough signatures for it because then they can rely on the urban Portland vote to carry the day and enslave the whole state, and we have Florida with a group wanting to have a ballot in 2020 on whether to amend the state constitution to ban "assault weapons."

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
There was proposed Federal legislation to negate state bans. Of course, other priorities came to the fore for the 'pro-gun' party. Same with the HPA, SHARE, etc. Despite some negative views of reciprocity, note how quickly the budget deal ditched it. NY (IIRC) did get its crucial to American tunnel.

I've expressed my opinion enough on the presentation style weakness and strategies of the major national organization.

I agree that the states are the next battle ground in the near term. Even progun states can flip easily. The long term threats are a flip in White House and Congressional contro. The longest and most telling threats will be cultural change and the lack of a coherent message outside of choir funding raising.


New member
One threat, that I have mentioned before, is a cultural shift such that gun ownership is seen a unpleasant personal trait. Like smoking, still legal, but when you see a smoker, you think it is pitiful.

You have hit the nail on the head, eventually they will demonise gun owners like smokers etc. Owning and shooting guns will be slowly be undermined in the population. Before you know it will be seen as a antisocial activity making it easier to tighten controls, much like it is in the UK.

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And all the while, we will have people shooting people 24/7 delivered into our homes (and paid for, by us) as "entertainment".

Can't do anything about that, either, its a First Amendment issue.

Ever wonder why some people demand we respect part of the Constitution but not all of it???


New member
I don't know if there is a cultural shift that gun ownership will be changed to being seen as a negative personal trait. Remember, the culture used to be a lot more amenable to gun ownership in the past than today. One of the problems with trying to enact such a shift is that unlike with something like smoking that is very unhealthy, gun ownership is not. Furthermore, self-defense s a very reasonable reason for possessing a gun.


New member
One of the problems with trying to enact such a shift is that unlike with something like smoking that is very unhealthy, gun ownership is not. Furthermore, self-defense s a very reasonable reason for possessing a gun.

True but that's not the way it will be presented, it will be presented as guns kill who and why will not matter.


New member
My dear colleagues, I must say you are all entirely guilty of far too much common sense and logic.

Arguing that the FBI provided 2 warnings and 39 phone calls to BCSO all resulted in no action coupled with 4 armed deputies hiding outside and again, being inert, as a masscare took place, shouldn't result in an attack on law-abiding gun owners is far too reasonable.

Almost all will scoff at your mention of defense against tyranny even as those who dismiss your point are quick to call the current administration the equivalent of Hitler or that america is 17 years into a stalmemated war with what amounts to a local insurgency largely fighting with small arms and improvised weapons overseas.

I rather liken in to a mob that has been whipped into a frenzy through years and years of propaganda, social conditioning, and neverending indoctrination, now smelling blood and the powers at be offering them a sacrificial lamb.

I do believe this serves the cynical purposes of those behind these protests as a further way to eliminate dissent to their agenda.

Lest I forget and while I realize this may ruin the macabre suspense, as someone who owns firearms and has citizenship in more than one country, that having firearms is at best seen as disturbing and oftentimes perceived as undisguised evil. Without disclosing too much about the specific countries, you can be evicted solely for having firearms from a property you rent and most won't even consider your tenancy. In addition at work you will be stigmatized and percived as being dangerous.

It is rather akin to being part of a closely guarded cult whereby members go to great lengths to hide their membership.

How far is the United States from that when entities like the NRA are increasingly referred to as terrorist organizations by some politicians and many rather political individuals?

I think we all know that the AR, AK, and other semi-auto rifles are the tip of the iceberg. With the giant corporations pushing this anti-gun agenda they can put a stranglehold on the gun business even without any laws as youtube and citibank, among others are doing. Feinstein herself has said she would have banned every gun if she could and I believe obtaining a prize like the AR/AK/semi-autos would only whet her appetite. An appetitie that would only be satiated by banning pistols and all 10+ round magazines.

Considering what the likes of the despicable VT shooter did years ago, we all know it is bound to happen and will be seized upon to further justify this.

It rather resembles basic principles of physics whereby the momentum against us is only increasing. The constituency that honors the 1A & 2A are, I believe, an impediment towards the goals of those who primarily make the decisions and what better way to remove that obstacles than by marginalizing and discrediting that group?

And lastly let me say despite being a firearms owner in another country with very strict laws, that it is never enough for the political establishment. Despite the absence of any mass shootings in decades, new laws are constantly being proposed and in some cases implemented.

It doesn't matter that other issues and things cause 20, 30, 50x the number of deaths from firearms, as we all know the hypocrisy of what are acceptable rights, intolerable rights, acceptable deaths, and unacceptable deaths is rich.
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New member
One thing I do hope is that all of this crazy anti-gun extremism is fueling a silent pro-gun wave that will smash much of it. A lot of people may well be becoming flaming pro-gunners due to all of this, just they don't have any real voice in the national media and political and business spheres and thus all people ever see are the anti-gun business corporations, Hollywooders, media, students, etc...


New member
I think what is going on w/ anti gun stuff today can be summed up by the crowd that feels they were wronged by Trump's election, who generally are the anti gun crowd to begin with, now have found a way to further stoke the fire. They are going to try to keep it going as long as possible and will rekindle it as many times as possible. I'm not sure I believe there is an actual shift in anti & pro gun, or at least nothing like the media makes it out to be. The next so many elections I'm sure will have record turn outs on both sides of the issues, but guns are only one of the issues - moderate anti gun voters who are noticing an extra $500/month in their bank account under new tax codes very likely may value that over gun control.


New member
The constituency that honors the 1A & 2A are, I believe, an impediment towards the goals of those who primarily make the decisions...

Hence my belief that the only issue in the 2016 election was who would be nominating future Supreme Court Justices.
That is the only avenue by which we maintain our constitutional rights and freedoms... maybe even by the grace of God, gain a little ground back one day.

I'm not sure I believe there is an actual shift in anti & pro gun, or at least nothing like the media makes it out to be. The next so many elections I'm sure will have record turn outs on both sides of the issues...

I agree, nothing like we're led to believe and those record turn outs are precisely why our vigilance is paramount.