Non FFL Auction sellers - shipping by USPS


New member
Your asking great questions, so let me try to answer them for you.

Doesn't it say on the box? like every gun store around here has words that define firearms in the name. Shouldn't the box say something like FROM Heavy Armory store/shop?

Not, john smith 555 lol-lane ?

From my experience generally no. This is because they do not want the box to scream "GUN - STEAL ME" since there are thefts of packages sent USPS, UPS, and Fed Ex. I have seen a few companies use their name, but thats a rare exception. I used to use the initials of my company name on the return address, and the other local FFL's that I know here still do (I learned it from them).

Also not all stores that sell/ship firearms have a firearm themed name.

and won't the ffl have to record whats in stock/transfer? and from WHO!

Most important how does the FFL know who the gun goes to? you gotta fill out the 4473 when picking up..

Yes, both the shipping FFL must record the disposition to the FFL he shipped the firearm to. Also, once received the receiving FFL must also record the firearm as an acquisition.

How does the receiving FFL know who the firearm goes to? Hopefully the shipper put some form of receipt for payment, etc in the box indicating the buyer, so the receiving FFL will know who it is for. At times it does not happen though, and then the receiving FFL has to call/email and try to track down what the deal is with the mystery firearm.
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James K said:
But if you don't have an FFL and want someone to ship a firearm to an FFL holder for delivery to you, have that FFL holder send the shipper a copy of his FFL. That makes the shipment legal and lets the dealer know the gun is coming.

9mm said:
How can a FFL accept a gun VIA USPS without FFL info inside the box? or foward notice of a gun coming to them via/telephone from another FFL+his FFL #?

Where do the US Postal Service regulations, or Federal law, draw any connection between who can ship a handgun by USPS and what documentation may or may not go in the box and whether or not the receiving FFL must have the sending FFL's license info to receive the handgun?

The USPS requirements, from the link provided above, say:

Unloaded Handgun

Handguns — e.g., pistols, revolvers, and other firearms capable of being concealed on the person — are nonmailable UNLESS mailed by a licensed manufacturer of firearms, or a licensed dealer of firearms, or an authorized agent of the federal government or government of a state, territory, or district, and ONLY when addressed to a person in one of the following categories for use in the person’s official duties AND upon filing the required affidavit or certificate, as applicable (see DMM 601.11.1.3–7):

All the regulations appear to require is that a handgun to be shipped by mail must be carried into the post office and consigned for shipment by an FFL. The USPS doesn't enforce BATFE regulations regarding transfers. BATFE transfers allow for interstate transfers involving an FFL only at the recipient's end. The receiving FFL may have a policy against accepting transfers from non-licensees, but I don't see any difference to the receiving FFL if the package is delivered by USPS, UPS or FedEx. If the package contains the private seller's driver's license info, they are all the same.

On the sending end, I'm not seeing anything in black and white that would prohibit an FFL from meeting his buddy at the post office, taking a package already wrapped and sealed, and walking inside the post office to put that package in the mail.


New member
Unloaded Handgun

Handguns — e.g., pistols, revolvers, and other firearms capable of being concealed on the person — are nonmailable UNLESS mailed by a licensed manufacturer of firearms, or a licensed dealer of firearms, or an authorized agent of the federal government or government of a state, territory, or district, and ONLY when addressed to a person in one of the following categories for use in the person’s official duties AND upon filing the required affidavit or certificate, as applicable (see DMM 601.11.1.3–7):

What about when people send in their gun for repair to a gun company? I heard people mailing them from their house/post office to the gun factory for repairs.



My LGS will not accept a handgun that crosses state lines from a person that does not have an FFL or fails to enclose a copy of the senders FFL. I will not ship a C&R weapon without first getting a copy of the buyers valid C & R license either. If you are a non FFL seller and shipping through USPS how would you know if the receiving FFL is a true dealer and not the BATF. Good way to get free room and board.

dogtown tom

New member
Aguila Blanca
On the sending end, I'm not seeing anything in black and white that would prohibit an FFL from meeting his buddy at the post office, taking a package already wrapped and sealed, and walking inside the post office to put that package in the mail.
While no USPS regulation would be broken, doing the above would be a serious violation of ATF regulations.....the dealer didn't record the aquisition or disposition of that firearm when he took possession from his buddy.

9mm What about when people send in their gun for repair to a gun company? I heard people mailing them from their house/post office to the gun factory for repairs.
If they mailed a handgun via USPS they committed a Federal crime. If they used a common carrier to ship the handgun back to the manufacturer they are completely legal. Often the terms "mailed" and "shipped" are used interchangeably.

Chuckusaret My LGS will not accept a handgun that crosses state lines from a person that does not have an FFL or fails to enclose a copy of the senders FFL. will they know there is no FFL inside the box until they open it? ATF regs REQUIRE them to record the aquisition into their bound book.

If you are a non FFL seller and shipping through USPS how would you know if the receiving FFL is a true dealer and not the BATF.
A "nonFFL seller" (actually anyone who is not a dealer or manufacturer) violates Federal law if he ships a handgun via USPS to a dealer.

Altough an 03FFL "Collector of Curios & Relics" is a Federal Firearms License, USPS regulations do not allow 03's to mail or receive by mail firearms other than rifles and 03FFL who mails a handgun to another 03.....they both are in violation of Federal law.

Anyone can verify through ATF's FFLezCheck whether the dealers FFL is valid. A complete list of FFL's is easily found at