NJ to ban F16 fighter planes?


New member
Some of you think it's funny that a school got shot up???
No one was hurt. If someone was hurt it would be a tragedy but it wasn't so I don't think we're out of line. No one said anything cruel or anything of that nature.


New member
This obviously came up on another forum I'm on, which has a majority of military people on it. Several pilots are on there, and commented on it.
Could be a slip of the finger if he going around some other part of the pattern other than the final portion (the portion where you're heading to the target and fire). On any range I've been on (with the exception of the now-closed strafe pits at Koon-Ni in Korea), the pilot hasn't been required to safe the master arm after each pass and arm it before each roll-in. I've seen inadverent firings occur twice at the Goldwater range, once on Range 2 and the other time on South TAC. Both were apparently just accidental squeezes of the trigger while in a turn or something else.......one of those "keep your finger off the trigger unless you're pointing at what you want to shoot". Though I'm not familiar with the particular range pattern at Warren Grove, nor the reg supps for that range; my money is on this possibility. This is one of the only things that would explain such as short burst, as would the school's location in relation to the range flight pattern.
This was in response to my asking about how it could have happened.

Original thread:


New member
Obviously, if DC didn't have their gun ban, the pilot would have been able to practice more with his personal F-16. Then he could have hit his intended target. :D


New member
Some of you think it's funny that a school got shot up???
Um,,yeah... gallows humor.

It's really only funny because of it being in New Jersey and the fact that so many anti's stress that only the law and military have access to guns.

Hell, here in Ohio that idiot pilot would get a free pass from taking an approved CCW class, simply because of his "military training".

You have to laugh at that - - - or go running down the street screaming that the world has gone insane.