Nickel Plated Guns- Lubrication & Sovents


New member
so, is my 870 Marine Magnum, with it's Electroless Nickel finished parts a "nickel plated sissy gun"? afterall, it only holds 7 rounds of 3" buckshot...


New member
Nickel shootability

Don't worry about it, just know how to take care of it. There're plenty of effective alternatives to bore solvent for cleaning nickel gun surfaces.

For what it's worth, one of my daily carry guns is a Colt Govt. .380 in nickel. Never a worry about fingerprints, etc. Far from new, but still looks 95%. Shoots 100% of the time. Knock on wood. Nickel is very hard and durable.

One other is a bright polished stainless Colt Officer's .45. It looks like it fell off the bumper of a 1958 Cadillac, shiniest piece of metal you ever saw.
