Newest Beretta Pico - are all the bugs gone?


New member
"How on earth do you work the slide stop lever easily????"

I only work it one way, up/open. Per Hickok45's video:
1) remove magazine (it's harder to rack slide over a mag, loaded or unloaded)
2) rack slide to rear
3) manually engage slide stop lever
4) insert mag
5) slingshot slide closed with your hand (don't touch the slide stop lever)
Think of the slide stop LEVER as an emergency Feature.

The hold open function does not Need an Manual slide stop release Lever (that is what the slide stop Lever is indeed: only an slide release Lever).
The hold up function is an automtic Feature of the gun for last round hold open.
Thinks of the slide stop Lever as an Bonus Feature.

You could have an last round hold open gun without an Lever so the only way is to rack-slingshot the slide.

That is IMO the intended way for al last round hold open gun: slingshot the slide. No Need for a Lever.