Newbie Questions Part II (yes, which gun?)


New member
DanP: I have to agree. I've had a number of .22's and they just don't trip my trigger. I like the noise, recoil and power of larger calibers. Your own perception of fun is all that matters. If it's not fun, then you won't be doing it for long. Get what you want. Personally, I love my Kimber classic in .45 acp. I shoot it as well as a .22 and it's alot more fun for me....albeit a tad more expensive to feed.


New member
Dan, This may bore you but since you have the SP-101 for a defense gun, why not pick up the .22 version. I have the .22 version and shoot it more than anything just to stay in double action practice.

The posters that mentioned reactive targets are right. Even something like shooting empty shotgun shells DA and knocking them farther away with each hit until they can't be seen is great fun and great practice. And all the practice will carry over to your defense gun.


New member
Since the time I made those statements I've become more educated so current goal is to get both a 22 for accuracy and a fun revolver (as in an over the top Redhawk or Colt).

Wanted to explore with something along the lines of a Ruger 22 MK II or so, although now that you bring it up an SP101 in 22 makes some sense.

Man, I've better start renting and narrowing down what I like or not like... else I'll go out and buy a ton of stuff on impulse!