New Uberti Walker Need Help


New member
Walker is fixed. Another spring is on the way

Hardcase in your reply, you said,

"try sending a letter to Stephen McKelvain at 17603 Indian Head Hwy., Accokeek, MD 20607. He's the VP of Marketing and Communications" 1-301-283-6981

I called, and ask to speak to Stephen McKelvain. For what ever reason they wouldn't let me talk to him. After talking to Rosslyn the lady that answerd the phone she told me he didn't have anything to do with the service department, that I need to talk to Paula Murdock the service department Manager. So after 3 failed attempts to speak to Stephen, I finely ask to speak with Paula. I was told she was on the line, and would have to call me back. In five min. She called me, and I told her what had happened when I called two weeks ago. I didn't talk to her in a hateful way, and I didn't let on, that I wanted to cause a big problem for anyone. She offerd to make a way for me to send the walker to them, and they would fix it free, and pay all shipping cost, and get it back in my hands in less than a week. I told her the truth, that I had orderd the part from Dixie Gun Works, and had already fixed the revolver. All I wanted was a new spring, like the one that broke in the first place. She said it would be in the mail yesterday. I talked to that lady twenty mins. Looks like she was glad I called her, and she would look into the way, I was treated/talked to the first time. She told me she didn't want that kind of thing to happen to anyone, that call them looking for help. Looks like kine words have given me a new friend, and a new part to keep on hand, in case it ever brakes again. All I can tell you guys is if you need parts that brake on a new Uberti Revolver, call 1-301-283-6981, if you are given a hard time, ask for, Paula Murdock. she will see that you are taken care of. Thinks folks for all the help, and support. ShotPut. :D