New Uberti Walker Need Help


New member
I've wanted a Uberti walker for a long time. First I made the stupit mistake of buying one from a gunshop here in town, thinking I'll save on shipping, plus I could look it over right there befour buying. I should have went through Dixie Gun Works, or Gabela's, cause they take care of the people, that buy from them. Once you buy from this gun store you can't take it back, for any reason. Got the Walker home, cleaned inside the barrel, cylinder, and nipples. put everything back together people at the shop had already wiped, and cleaned, the outside off and put them in the gun case, they do all of them that way. I put 45grs of pyrodex P, a wad & 454 rd ball in the cylinders just to see how it was going to shoot, and group. Arm over sand bag. Everything went good 4" group at 50 yrds first six shots. I didn't even put corn meal under the ball. Loaded up again same thing, the dang white & orange bulls eye was starting to turn black, cause it was just turning into a big hole Loaded up again fired 2 shots, and the hammer started geting hard to pull back. After the last shot, I took the gun apart right there, they are much easer to take apart, than the smaller colts. I have 2 1860s, 2 1851 colts, and 2 1858s remingtons. Made by Pietta's. All from Cabela's. Never had a problem with any of them. One of my 1858s is over 20 yrds old, over a 1000 rds fired, it's just starting to get broke in good. I put the walker back together, fired 6 more rounds. had to take it apart again, wiped it down again. put it back together. loaded up firded 6 rds did ok, I loaded up again started shooting, hammer was starting to get hard to pull back, this time I could tell the bolt stop was putting a mark just outside the little holes in the cylinder. I stop shooting at this point. 24 shots fired. Took it inside and cleaned it up, hot water and soap. oiled it up, and TC bore butter inside the cylinder & barrel. Put it back together. Everything seemed to be working perfect. I put it up. Got it out the next day, to look it over, pulled the hammer back pulled the trigger to let the hammer down, nothen, hammer stayed put. Hammer spring is the only thing, I know of that would cause this. That was this Friday march 25th, I bought the revolver March 1st. I called the shop, ask who to get in touch with, they gave me 1-800-BerettaUSA, or Than looked up the Uberti web site, they list Benelli USA ATTN : Service Department 901 Eight Street Pocomoke, MD 21851 Now I'm going to have to pay to send it to one of them. Fellows My question to you is, should I just try to get them to fix it, or send me a new walker. or refund my money, and order one from Dixie Gun Works. They sell for the same price I paid for this one at the gun shop? I would have to pay the shipping. I never had this problem befour. At first it just hit me wrong, if I could have stuck my tung in the in the gun powder it would have went BOOM ! :mad:


New member
Probably be cheaper to order a replacement spring from VTI.
VS..shipping, handling fees etc. on a replacement revolver.
Heck of a lot quicker too I'll wager..
I'm with you, I would have been cussing, threatening all and sundry with dire consequences and scorching the atmosphere with 'colorful' language...But the fact remains, this same affliction could have happened with one ordered from anyone..."stuff" happens sometimes.
Good luck whatever you decide..


New member
Many things could cause the problem you describe. One of the most common is a cap fragment down inside the action. I suggest you disassemble the action slowly and carefully watching for broken parts or cap fragments.


New member
Before you get too worked up take the gun apart and make sure it is the hammer spring. You could have a piece of cap jamming the works or some other simple problem. If it is a broken hammer spring and you bought the gun new call Uberti customer service and explain the problem and they will likely send you a new spring. No sense sending the gun in to just replace a hammer spring.


New member
I have more problems with cap fragments getting into my Walker actions than with any of my other BP revolvers... maybe just because they're bigger and have bigger holes for the caps to work into.

Foto Joe

New member
Chances are, your problems with the Walker are not fatal. I agree with taking it apart completely and giving her a good bath. If the gun has been fired a lot there's a good chance that the inards are less than spotless. All it's gonna take is a cap frag that migrated somewhere it wasn't supposed to and she'll argue with you every time you pull the hammer back.

I WOULD NOT send it back to Uberti though unless you can wait for a new gun. They will NOT repair any gun, they just replace them, myself and SAA Gunslinger have learned this more than once.


New member
If it is a broken hammer spring there is real good chance that Taylors & Co will stamp a new one in reasonably if you send them the hammer hand.. Ask for the gunsmith--he's cool. Or you can order a spring for next to nothing and if you can't do it, your local gunsmith can stamp it in. I've found Taylor to be easy to deal with but make sure you tell them exactly what you want or they might send the wrong spring.

SAA GunSlinger

New member
I would say send it back and get a new one. As Foto Joe said, we have delt with issues like this before. I would call the customer support and see if they can cover the shipping charges, they are most likely not going to fix it and just replace it with a new one, be sure to constantly remind them to inspect every inch of the gun and test fire it before it gets shipped to you or they will send you a gun with out inspecting it and there will be very good chance that it may have some sort of flaw, so make sure it gets the proper look over before it leaves the factory. Oh and it helps to tell them how heart broken ya are that your 1847 walker malfunctions, this will help speed the process up of getting a new gun back to you:D I wish ya the best!!!


New member
OK I'm siding with you guys

You Have let me know that my question was not a wast of time. Would like to think you all for your help. What I did find a wast of time was, when I looked up Uberti's web site. That site has

Benelli USA.
ATTN : Service Department
901 Eight Street
Pocomoke, MD. 21851
as the people to call for what ever reason.

The gun shop, told me to contact 1-800-Beretta USA
I didn't call after the call to Benell.

I did not put all this in my first thread because at the time I had just got off the phone with Benelli. That guy talked to me like it was my problem, and could have cared less. After all, It's not his problem, and it would take up to 6 to 8 weeks to return the walker to me. It just seemed to be a joke to him. I posted soon as I hung the phone up, but was so mad at that guy, I had to take it off cause I don't want you guys to read the words coming out of my mouth. I'm a God fearing man, and I couldn't believe the words coming out of my mouth. Finely I cooled off to where, I posted what you read on the first thread. I set back, and read all the post you made. On Saturday went to the gun shop, where I bought the walker. I bought a new weaver tool kit W/driver, and bits, made for gunsmiths, took the screws out of the frame handle, and trigger guard. Soon as the grip sled off, the hammer spring was broke, half hanging on the frame the other fell out on the table, I believe a spent cap did probably go down in there, and pulling the hammer back caused the problem. Still the guy at the customer service, had no need to talk to me the way he did. if you could have heard him you would understand what set me off. Again I think you for all the info. That said I have 6 pietta's, and never had a problem with any of them. Some of them have been with me a long time. My first 1858 Remington Army .44 is over 20 yrs old, has over a 1000 rds through it. That revolver is just starting to get broke in. It hit's where I point it. Now Uberti want to talk about guts? The walker is a shooter for sure. the 24 to 30 rds fired out of it befour it broke, eat the bulls eye out of a paper target at 50 yrds right out of the box. Don't take my word for it try it for your self. I only used 45grs of Pyrodex P w/44 wad, and 454 rd ball. nothen to fill between the wad and ball, that's another thing that set me on fire. 30 rounds. Come on fellows. The walker is new to me, and I have to get use to rolling it to the right when pulling the hammer back, that's 4.5 pounds to turn. Striaght up my work better. I guess you fellows are right, stuff happens. So with the new driver, and bits I'll be my on gunsmith, if I ever buy Uberti protucts again. SHOTPUT.

Doc Hoy

New member

Taylors has the best prices on Uberti Walkers by at least a coupla bucks. Their Dragoons run 350.00, 350.00, and 358.00. I think they beat the competition by about fifteen dollars on Walkers. They are decent people to work with. Course all that is moot now.

How is the barrel gap?

Bill Akins

New member
You just found out the hard way that when it comes to guns and especially BP guns, you just about have to learn some home gunsmithing or else tie up your guns in shipping back and forth to get them repaired. And you certainly don't want to do that every time some little cap fragment falls into and gets stuck in the action. Getting that gunsmithing screwdriver set was a good move. You will use it over and over again.

And learning to home gunsmith yourself is not a bad thing. It will give you the confidence to know you can almost fix anything on your guns. I would take the disassembled gun in a container back to the store (so they can see that the gun they sold you had a defective hammer spring) and demand a new spring. If they refuse, loudly say within earshot of any other customers how you bought that gun there and it was defective and now they don't want to make that right. Hey, it's worth a shot.

If that doesn't work, contact the manufacturer and tell them their spring was defective and you'd like a replacement and offer to ship them the broken one to show them. They probably will tell you it isn't necessary to ship the broken spring to them. But if you get any static from them, or if it looks like it will take two months for them to ship you a spring, then just look on e bay or gunbroker for another Walker hammer spring. Although e bay won't allow selling guns, they do carry some parts. If you can't find one there try Brownells or Dixie or any of the other BP part suppliers.

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Bill Akins

New member
Almost forgot. Here's a link for you for some spare Walker parts. But if you want them you'll have to act quickly since the auction is over in 1 day 13 hrs. Grips, grip frame, (couldn't see if hammer spring was in the grip frame), wedge, barrel and cylinder. Except for a few screws, pretty much everything is there but the actual main frame and its guts. Here's the link.....



New member
Palmetto and ASM have been out of business for quite some time. I seriously doubt he found a new one.


New member
Shotput79, I'm glad to hear that you're on your way to fixing the problem. While you're finishing up your work, try sending a letter to Stephen McKelvain at 17603 Indian Head Hwy., Accokeek, MD 20607. He's the VP of Marketing and Communications. I've found that the marketing guys are bulldogs when they feel that somebody within the company is doing what you've described.

Best of luck to you!


New member
Bill Akins said:
Almost forgot. Here's a link for you for some spare Walker parts.

arcticap said:
I'm not sure but that may not be an Uberti.
IIRC Palmetto and Armi San Marco also made Walkers.

Hawg Haggen said:
Palmetto and ASM have been out of business for quite some time. I seriously doubt he found a new one.

I was referring to the unbranded revolver in the Gunbroker auction which is well used while the OP has a new Uberti that's under warranty. Bill Akins was recommending it as a parts gun.

There are still many new ASM Walkers as well as some of their other guns for sale.
Henry Krank is one British dealer that advertises many the ASM models in their catalog as being available brand new.
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New member
A lot of similar questions are posted here. Reading them, I always wonder: Did you read the owners manual to see what the manufacturers warranty says? Did you contact the manufacturer and ask what they will do? Unlikely you will be able to dictate to them whether they do a repair or exchange. And, I ain't gonna hold my breath while you wait for a refund from the manufacturer. Contact them, just like any item, gun related or not, that has warranty issues. Fact is, we can't help you. Some things you have to do for yourself.


New member
You Guys

There's so much help here I got out paper & pen to take notes lol. Thinks fellows. I called the folks over at Dixie and got the spring, and a few other items. for the walker. When it's all said & done I'll have everthing needed other than a new cylinder & nipples Plan on getting nipples that will let me use # 11 caps because I need the #10s for my other revolvers, You can get 11s just about any where. When you want 10s they have to be ordered 1000 at a time. The way the walker was shooting befour it broke I really want to get out back, and shoot more with it. I went in a different gunshop yesterday. There were three TCs setting in the rack 1 hawken .50 cal & 2 plains rifles 1 .50 1 .54 cal. They are used, but in real good shape under three hundred dollars for either of the three. People are going for the inlines, or centerfires. Heck some just need money. I had to leave them be. The price to live from week to week, is getten harder. So with the weather finely getting on the spring time side, there's only a few things a guy can do, TV's not one of them. I may try to get in touch with the company, to see if they will send me a spring. want hurt to ask. Will post how this works out.