New Russian Shotgun - A Five Shot Revolver !!!


New member
You don't necessarily own a gun because it's the very best, the most advanced, or even the most effective. You own it because you like it.

You know, Night, fer a young pup you sure hit the mark a lot. :)

I'd love to have one of these, jes' fer the fun of it. Like a .22 Gatling gun. No serious purpose - just fun.

That cylinder release sure has a S&W flavor to it, doesn't it?


New member

these guys make some impressive guns

check out the dual auto load drilling


I'd buy one if it was affordable. Personally, I am a fan of the old "Cattleman's Carbine". I wish they would make a comeback. They would be especially nice if made for modern metallic cartridge ammo.


Staff Alumnus
Yep. 5 shots, more reliable with heavy loads than an auto, and more reliable than a levergun.

Would also have a LOT more meat in the cylinder, for a 5-shot .45.


New member
It could have it's uses

If range rules weren't load one-shoot one for trap singles, it would be nice to be able to load five at each station, then dump empties only as you rotated.

Like a pump or auto, the overall weight would change as you expelled shot, wads, and powder, but the changing moment arm on the magazine would be minimized by the rounds and empties being contained in the cylinder. They'd be close to the shooter's grip hand, and the weight distribution wouldn't change very dramatically from shot to shot like it would on a progressively empty tube magazine.

But overall, if reasonably made, I think the "Mateba" gee-whiz factor cited previously is still the greatest appeal here.
