new model 40-no lock make a difference?


New member
would the fact that the new model 40 has no internal lock persuade any of you to buy? I am really thinking about making one my next gun due to this feature (or lack of). What do you think? I carry a 638, but would use this gun at the range a whole lot more than the airweight.


New member
If I needed another J-frame, then yes, the lock free Model 40 is the only new S&W revolver I would buy for self defense purposes.


New member
Can I play devil's advocate for a moment.

One of the biggest reasons folks don't like the lock, besides its location, is that it adds a layer of complexity that could possibly fail. Does the lemon squeezer mechanism do just this, albeit in a more aesthetically pleasing and nostalgia inducing way?

Just food for thought.


New member
Can I play devil's advocate for a moment.

One of the biggest reasons folks don't like the lock, besides its location, is that it adds a layer of complexity that could possibly fail. Does the lemon squeezer mechanism do just this, albeit in a more aesthetically pleasing and nostalgia inducing way?

Just food for thought.

In my opinion, yes. One more thing that can fail.


New member
Just look at the photos of this brand new nickel model and tell me you don't want one!

I don't buy new Smiths with a lock. I've said I would buy a new gun from them if they made it without the lock. Going to a lemon squeezer isn't exactly what I had in mind but I'm still going to hold up my end! I'm hoping sales will be so high that even dense S&W management won't be explain it with any other reason.

Even beyond the lock, they are nice looking guns!



New member
Just look at the photos of this brand new nickel model and tell me you don't want one!
I don't !!! I just never understood why people would carry 5 shooters when others carried 6 shooters just as easily.


New member
Don't count on S&W dropping the lock any time soon. They only left it off the new model 40 because it wouldn't work with the grip safety mechanism.


New member
I may buy one.... and get it hard chromed...

The idea of a grip-safety snubby is getting to me as I offten slip out on a quick task of one sort or another with just a snubby in the pocket...


New member
I don't !!! I just never understood why people would carry 5 shooters when others carried 6 shooters just as easily.

We are thinking about this differently. I'm not considering it from a practical point of view at all. I would be buying one simply because it is exciting to be able to buy a new Smith again. Either in nickel or case hardened. Both are very attractive guns that would spice up my collection.

I carry a P7M8 now. But I did carry a 5 shot revolver for years. Of course it was a .44 Special and not a .38 Special! (S&W M296)

Don't count on S&W dropping the lock any time soon.

Oh I agree. S&W management doesn't see this as a "first step in getting rid of the lock" or anything like that. But they have produced quite a few of these new "classic" S&W's. Even brain dead leadership has to notice if the little snubby with no lock sells twice as many as any other model! It should make it easier down the line to convince them the lock is hurting their revolver sales.

I honestly think the lock will go away at some point. It's too ugly to last forever. Either it will fade away entirely and there will just be some shipped external lock or it will morph into something more like the Ruger lock where it is invisible. It could happen in a year or it could happen in five years. Or it could take twenty! But it is just too ugly and ungainly to last as a long term design.



New member
Tempest in a teapot, folks. ;)

S&W is selling more J-frames than ever before, even though their standard revolvers are produced with the ILS. I don't expect them to discontinue producing ILS-equipped revolvers any time soon.

FWIW, I finally bought one of them, a M&P 340 Centennial, and I haven't had any problems with the ILS.

That said, I do find the new M40 models interesting, and am seriously considering adding one to my 'working collection' of off-duty weapons. The fact that it doesn't have the ILS won't stop me from buying one. ;)

I've also found myself keeping an eye out for any decent quality older used J-frames, and other S&W revolvers, as well. :cool:
I don't !!! I just never understood why people would carry 5 shooters when others carried 6 shooters just as easily.

I see this come up quite often but it seems to be an invalid argument...a 6 shooter like a K-frame Smith or Detecive special is bigger than a five shot might be able to carry and conceal the bigger gun well, but a smaller gun conceals even better..and for a pocket or ankle...a 5 shot, especially the airweights, are a much better choice than 6 shooters...:)


New member
can you pin the grip safety like you can on the old ones?

I read some where(Might have been the S&W forum), that you could not pin the safety on the new model 40 like you could on the old model 40. I would want to know for sure before I bought one.


New member
I see this come up quite often but it seems to be an invalid argument...a 6 shooter like a K-frame Smith or Detecive special is bigger than a five shot might be able to carry and conceal the bigger gun well, but a smaller gun conceals even better..and for a pocket or ankle...a 5 shot, especially the airweights, are a much better choice than 6 shooters.
The same could be said of some semi-autos. Some are smaller, flatter, lighter than any revolver so they should be a much better choice, but you make the decision to carry the bigger revolver. Invalid argument.....I don't think there was any argument. I just choose to do something you don't.


New member
Only one.

I think it's the only new one I'd buy. I do wish they'd do a full-size grip safety revolver though. THAT I could get on board with.
Bring back the 29, DAO, with grip safety. I'd buy 5 of them, just because:D

Until then though, if I need another Smith revo, I'll just keep buying used.
The model 10 is their greatest contribution EVER to the world and they're everywhere for about $250 with no lock:cool: