new gun return to dealer

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anymore virtually all gun shops offer the Oklahoma guarantee

I'm in Oklahoma and my dealer doesn't behave like that, at all. Maybe you need to find a better class of dealer.

I bought a new S&W M&P 15 PC from my dealer. About a year later, I took it back because it was malfunctioning. They took responsibility from that point on. They sent it back, had it fixed, returned it to me good as new. No charge.

I bought a Glock 43X from them that jammed. It was a reload that wedged in the chamber and was totally on me, since it was my reload. They fixed it for me, no charge.

OP, I'd check around for a better dealer. But, that's just me.


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"Pull the "well I spend a lot of $$$ with you" card doesn't affect how I treat a customer. In fact, I fired the first customer that tried playing that card. He is not missed."(Dogtown Tom)

Great buisness advice on how NOT to treat a customer. :rolleyes: Word of mouth travels fast, especially on social media.


New member
Zeke, removing all emotions! When did you buy the gun? (the date) & when did you first take it back or contact about the problem? (the date) Does the dealer have a website and if yes do they mention anything about warranty, etc in their website? Did you buy the gun with a credit card?


New member
Good questions, had not bothered to check their website, as have been member there since they opened, maybe 8 years ago?

Bought gun This Tues morning 2/9/2021 bought 11 am. Took it back next morning Wed 2/12/2021 at 10 am (opening time). Gun was not fired , but cleaned per included manual to remove preservative. Then repacked in original packaging. Bought with cash, as per my practice. Manager would not even look at the gun.

Just checked their website and found this posted under their polices. I removed the dealers name. Their policy seems to contradict itself.

"Merchandise returned within 30 days of purchase in original packaging and in unused condition will be refunded to the Credit Card used at time of purchase, or in cash or check at _______. discretion. We reserve the right to not accept a return that has been used or damaged. Customer must provide original sales receipt, any return made without the original receipt shall be issued in-store credit only. Ammunition is non-refundable. Firearms are non-refundable, unless a denial is received during the background check. All special orders are non-refundable, if a special order firearm is denied on background check, it may be subject to a 20% restocking fee."

Am more irritated with their CHANGE in policy, attitude and reasoning than with the manufacturer. The name was removed as have not conversed with owner as yet.

They are a large store front combined with modern indoor range and comprehensive training facility. They have a large assortment of firearms to rent, and in general an excellent facility that has brought a good number of new shooters into the sport.


New member
"Am more irritated with their CHANGE in policy, attitude and reasoning than with the manufacturer."(OP)

I can fully understand you being upset. Attitude is everything in this world. That's no way to treat a customer, even if it needs to be returned to the manufacturer for repair. A little empathy and respect goes a long way towards keeping the customer happy and maintaining a great reputation. They should have offered to ship it for you.

Unfortunately some service providers allow their egos to cloud their thinking and they forget that without customers, they wouldn't have a job. A little respect goes a long way in this life.
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Glad to hear the dealer took it back. It's actually a mfg issue that the dealer should have checked for (at least the rifling) before selling the product. Let the dealer send it back to Henry.

dogtown tom

New member
Originally Posted by dogtown tom View Post
Who's instructions?
Henry doesn't say to do that.

That most certainly was straight out of the owners manual supplied with the rifle.
Show us which manual:

Manufacturing issue.

Most certainly was, as firearm was never fired aside from the factory check.
Then Henry will fix it.

That's because many manufacturers do not want guns returned to the dealer, but directly to them. If Henry wants your gun returned via the dealer they would say so in your owners manual. They don't.

In my experience the dealer acted as a check that there was actually something amiss. Your opinion/experience may differ.
Dealers still do "act as a check"....I'll be happy to show a customer why his slide is stuck open......that happens twice a week. Easy fix....drop the magazine.

But examine the bore and opine as to why/who/how a flaw is in the barrel? That isn't for the dealer to fix.
What Henry tells you to do:
If you believe that your Henry rifle requires repair or adjustment, we suggest that you first contact our
Customer Service by email at or by phone at 201-858-4400. It may be a problem
that we can resolve by phone or by sending a replacement part.
In the unlikely event that your firearm requires adjustments or repair, please make certain that it is unloaded
and send it to us at the following address:
59 East 1st Street
Bayonne, NJ 07002
Att: Repair Dept.

Would not consider a defective firearm a repair or adjustment.
Yet Henry does.

The manager was not being specific to Henry, but was specific to all the firearms they sell. If a customer was sold such a defective firearm, there should be an option of immediate refund. If a dealer does not wish to stand behind the products they sell, thats there choice and should infrom the customer upfront, before the decision to purchase is made. Course ya might not sell as many guns that way.
Again, sir, that's not always the dealers option. As explained by several in this thread, the MANUFACTURER asks the customer to return the firearm.

That's an assumption by you, and not at all a standard practice. Quite clearly Henry wants YOU, the buyer, to contact Henry Customer Service.

Your experience is certainly different than my 40 plus years. Granted am not experienced with how the vast majority of manufacturers operate, have not had to return many guns.
Until I became a licensed dealer a dozen years ago I too thought that the standard practice. I learned quickly that it isn't.

I treat every customer the same, whether for a simple $10 transfer or the sale of $20K worth of silencers. Pull the "well I spend a lot of $$$ with you" card doesn't affect how I treat a customer. In fact, I fired the first customer that tried playing that card. He is not missed.

As previously explained, did not "play" that card, but included it as background. Please read through all the posts if you decide to answer in this manner.
Then why bring it up at all? I didn't call you "entitled" or anything else.

It's been a standard and normal practice for the last twenty odd years for manufacturers to ask that you send firearms directly to them for repair and service. Sure, some dealers will ship it back for you, they'll cover the cost by charging higher prices on stuff you buy.
Again, not in my experience which started way before 20 years ago. Maybe how alot of people operate now adays, but that is why i asked the questions. Thank you for your candid response, but please save your attitude for your actual customers.
Attitude? Methinks your skin is thin.;)

dogtown tom

New member
shurshot "Pull the "well I spend a lot of $$$ with you" card doesn't affect how I treat a customer. In fact, I fired the first customer that tried playing that card. He is not missed."(Dogtown Tom)

Great buisness advice on how NOT to treat a customer. Word of mouth travels fast, especially on social media.

It's actually GREAT business advice. No business needs problem customers. If one percent of customers cause 99% of your problems....find a way to reduce either number.

The customer in question had bought 4-6 Sig P238 in different finishes over a three year period. Over a year had gone by when he bought his next one. I emailed him within an hour of arrival, giving him the days/hours I would be available over the next week.

He did not respond for about ten days.....sending me an email at 430pm saying he would be there at 5 to pick it up. As I already had a packed schedule of transfers that day from 5-6pm, I emailed him back asking that he not arrive until after 6pm. His response? "Maybe you should raise your fees if its that crowded." I replied "Nah, my fees are fine".

Thats when he played the "I'm a frequent customer and deserve prompt service blah, blah, blah...", I responded with how I treat all customers the same and he's free to come at 5pm.....but he's going to wait while I take care of the other transfers. He didn't like that and said I didn't respect his business and he would take his business elsewhere........I replied fine, let me know who your new FFL is and I'll deliver the gun to him. That's how I fired a customer. I didn't yell "You're fired!", "Get outta here!" or anything else.........simply told him via email he would need to find another dealer. Life is too short to hang around with such people. He's not my problem anymore, and that other FFL now refuses to do business with the guy too.:D

"Word of mouth" and social media reputation certainly does travel fast, and I have a pretty damn good reputation in my area. The poor customer service by some of the brick and mortar gun stores in the area are my best generator of new customers. They either don't do transfers at all or charge a very high transfer fee. I'm appreciative.


New member
The manual for the rifle returned is not on that link, where it appears those manuals are 5 years or so old. Interestingly, at least one of those manuals includes instructions for removing the bolt to clean. If you wish to dispute what i said, please feel free to contact Henry directly to inquire what they say in the manual included with the new "x" 44 mag model. Then you can do the actual work to have a relevant discussion.

The rest of your concerns/answers are not relevant to the discussion, and certainly not worth my time. :rolleyes:


New member
Looks like a direct quote from the op's first post? Maybe some could save a lot of effort if they actually read/understood what the posts are about that they are commenting on?

"I could understand this business tact if i had only used them for a transfer,"
The OP has apparently now been in contact with the manufacturer. Hopefully, the manufacturer will rectify the situation.

Meanwhile, this thread has degenerated into sniping between/among members. That serves no constructive purpose.

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