New forum


New member
DG45 it's a forum for traditionalists. There's plenty of places to talk about inlines. Some of our members do have inlines but they also have traditional guns. There's not many forums dedicated to traditional firearms. Ours is. I personally wouldn't own a Ruger Old Army but it is a traditional design is the reason it's allowed. Our forum may not be for everybody, we don't expect it to be. Not allowing inlines may cost us some members we could otherwise have but I think it's a better forum for it. It is what it is and it will sink or swim on it's own merits.

Doc Hoy

New member
Just finished...

...completing the registration.

I am going to give it a try.

But I must confess that I had to drop to one online forum because of the time involved. I was routinely reading and posting on two and then stopped visiting one of the sites resticting me activity to this forum.

I thought my job (just changed jobs) would afford me a little more time. Silly me.