New forum


New member
Is this new forum part of TFL or is it something different Hawg? I was noticing the categories listed and they were very specific, but I saw nothing about BP shotguns. (Maybe I just missed it?) I know there are at least a few guys on TFL who enjoy loading their own BP shotgun shells on old antique equipment and shooting them in their old antique shotguns. I don't know if there are enough of them though to have a separate category.

Anyway good luck with it. DG

Bill Akins

New member
Hawg, I registered to join. Awaiting admin approval of my membership.

How will that other forum be different from the black powder forum here at the firing line? What is meant by "traditional" black powder forum?



New member
Is this a do-over of the old Black Powder Times? I was member of the old site. My user name and password no longer work, lose the data base?


New member
It's Black Powder Times under new management on a different domain with a different format. Only the name remains the same.:D Most of the admin of this forum were mods on the old one. Mykeal we do allow discussions of ROA.:p


New member
Hawg, I registered to join. Awaiting admin approval of my membership.

How will that other forum be different from the black powder forum here at the firing line? What is meant by "traditional" black powder forum?

You were approved earlier. It will be a more relaxed atmosphere with the whole forum devoted to black powder with different categories for everything. Everything won't be jumbled together like it is here. We don't have a lot of rules. Nobody's gonna close a thread or get admonished for going off topic. Most of our rules pertain to content and behavior. There will be no discussion of inlines. If you want to talk about inlines there's other places like here that allow it. All of our topics pertain to traditional guns and traditional ways of doing things. There will be discussions of cartridge guns but black powder loads only.


New member
Given that I am spending more time over the kitchen sink cleaning the guns from blackpowdre than actual time at the firing range, I've found a sensible thing to join the new forum.



New member
Thanks for the heads-up.
I'm headed over there now to register. Please, please don't let it become a "Period Correct Purists & Re-enactors Only" traditional site though.

I appreciate traditional aspects but have seen a couple of similar places become so into "PC, hc & no farbs" that they don't hold interest for someone like me who enjoys shooting C&B & messes about with traditional equipment, but has no interest in reenacting.
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