New Custom 1911 (with a twist)


New member
Ugly and dumb to boot.... now there is a combo. I bet the serious amusment will come in a few more years when the 5 folks who bought one start trying to sell it as an investment grade collectable on the net or at auction.

BTW I'm pretty sure it's Reeder's son does most of the 1911 work these days, maybe like many he shares an intrest in folklore / fantasy and just combined the 2? Don't know, Reeder is well respected by many but the laser engraving just looks cheap to me and for the money I'd send revolver projects elsewhere.

I always thought for vampires a good shotgun with silver buckshot would do it?
Guys, silver bullets are for werewolves, not vampires. It does not appear to shoot wooden stakes and so would not be effective for its intended purpose.


New member
I bet it would still be effective against vampires (because vampires in real life are just idiot humans who say that they're vamps).


New member
Guys, silver bullets are for werewolves, not vampires. It does not appear to shoot wooden stakes and so would not be effective for its intended purpose.

You're obviously not up to date:p Modern vampires (Blade, Underworld, ect.) are vulnerable to silver, too:D